Accessibility in the development of our digital services
Our goal is to provide accessible services to all our customers. Accessibility is an important basis for development work and new services. Our current services still have deficiencies that are actively being corrected.
Assessment of accessibility
You can check the deficiencies of our services and the status of corrections in our accessibility statements.
The accessibility of our services is assessed by external accessibility experts working for OP Financial Group on a project basis. Their audit reports serve as the basis for the accessibility statements. We also evaluate our services ourselves and test them with screen readers.
Furthermore, the cognitive accessibility of was tested in the Selkeästi meille project in autumn 2021. was granted the Selkeästi meille award. According to the project assessment, OP Financial Group's online services acknowledge accessibility exceptionally well, and the site was mostly easy to use.
Alternative service channels
OP Accessible best meets accessibility requirements. OP Accessible allows you to manage payments, transfer money and check accounts
If you cannot take care of a matter in our digital service channels, you can call OP Customer Service or visit an OP cooperative bank in person.
Accessibility statements for the service
The service ( is the website for companies belonging to OP Financial Group. OP Financial Group includes OP Cooperative, its group companies (such as OP Corporate Bank Plc, Pohjola Insurance Ltd, OP Life Assurance Company Ltd and OP-Services Ltd), OP Cooperative's member banks, OVY Insurance Ltd, OP Bank Group Pension Foundation, OP Bank Group Pension Fund and other current and future companies, entities and foundations in which at least one of the above individually or jointly exercise control.
- General sections and features
- Identification and Manage user ID
- Services for personal customers
- Services for corporate customers
- Customer Service
Mobile applications
OP Financial Group's other digital services
- OP API Admin pages for payment transfer API solutions
- Remote Meeting Service
- (in Finnish)
- OP Light Entrepreneur
- OP Light Entrepreneur Without Business ID
- OP Lasku
- OP Media (in Finnish)
- OP-pääomarahastoportaali
- OP Accessible service
- OP Smart Contracts
- OP identification in other digital services
- OP Career
- OP webstore car financing application
- OP Online Payment
- Small Business Insurance Service (in Finnish)
- service
- Pohjola Insurance's Live It website
- OP's online financing service
- Signom
- Electronic Signature
- Overdraft Payment Service
- Claims Service (