General terms and conditions of OP Financial Group's banking and insurance services
This page contains the current terms and conditions for OP Financial Group's banking and insurance services, including general terms and conditions. You can check your valid insurance terms and conditions by logging in to and opening the My policies page.
- General Terms and Conditions for Accounts (applicable to new account agreements from 11 December 2024 and to all account agreements from 1 April 2025) (pdf)
- General Terms and Conditions for Accounts (applicable to old account agreements until 31 April 2025, or the account agreements made before 11 December 2024) (pdf)
- Terms and Conditions of Accounts with Overdraft Facility (pdf)
- Terms and Conditions of ASP Account (pdf)
- General Terms and Conditions for Pension Account (pdf)
- Basic Information on Deposit Guarantee (pdf)
- General Terms and Conditions for Payment Cards (pdf)
- Credit Card Terms and Conditions (pdf)
- OP's Visa cards and OP Duo Product Protection Insurance, Product description (pdf)
- OP's Visa cards and OP Duo Product Protection Insurance, Terms and conditions (pdf)
- Plussa feature, Terms and conditions (pdf)
- OP's Visa cards
- Standard European Consumer Credit Information, OP Classic (pdf)
- Standard European Consumer Credit Information, OP Gold (pdf)
- Standard European Consumer Credit Information, OP Platinum (pdf)
- Terms and conditions of OP Platinum card benefits
- Travel insurance, insurance information (pdf)
- Travel insurance, Corporate Travel Cover terms and conditions (pdf)
- Event ticket cover, terms and conditions (pdf)
- Rental car insurance, terms and conditions (pdf)
- Terms and conditions of OP Gold card benefits
- Travel insurance, terms and conditions (pdf)
- Event ticket cover, terms and conditions (pdf)
- Rental car insurance, terms and conditions (pdf)
- LoungeKey, Terms of Use (external website)
- OP Duo
- Standard European Consumer Credit Information (pdf)
- Best Price Protection, terms and conditions (pdf)
- K-Plussa Maksuaika
- Standard European Consumer Credit Information (pdf)
- K-Plussa Maksuaika Product Protection Insurance, Product description (pdf)
- K-Plussa Maksuaika Product Protection Insurance, Terms and conditions (pdf)
- General loan terms and conditions (pdf)
- Terms and conditions of pledge (pdf)
- Guarantee Terms and Conditions (pdf)
- Terms and Conditions of Government-guaranteed Student Loan (pdf)
- Terms and conditions of Flexible Consumer Credit (in Finnish) (pdf)
- Terms and conditions of Special Consumer Credit (in Finnish) (pdf)
- Terms and conditions of OP Tailored Consumer Credit (pdf)
- Standard European consumer credit information, OP Tailored Consumer Credit (pdf)
- General terms and conditions for accounts (pdf)
- Terms and Conditions of Accounts with Overdraft Facility
- General Terms and Conditions of OP Virtual Account (effective as of 1 June 2023) (pdf)
- Basic information on deposit insurance (pdf)
Private customer insurance Terms and Conditions
This page contains personal customers' general terms and conditions, policy documents, insurance product information documents, safety regulations, and product guides. Select the insurance terms and conditions you wish to view from the categories below.
- Insurance for your car, car or lorry, product guide (pdf)
- Insurance for your vehicle, product guide (pdf)
- Insurance for your car and vehicle, terms and conditions (pdf)
- Motor liability insurance, terms and conditions (pdf)
- Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Insurance Policies, insurance product information document (pdf)
- Motor Liability Insurance and Crisis Cover, insurance product information document (pdf)
- Crisis Cover, terms and conditions (pdf)
- Traveller's insurance and luggage insurance, Product description (pdf)
- Fixed-term Travel Insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Fixed-term Travel Insurance, terms and conditions (pdf)
- Traveller's insurance, Terms and conditions (Insurance for yourself and your loved ones, p. 30) (pdf)
- Traveller's insurance, insurance product information document (pdf)
- Luggage insurance, terms and conditions (Insurance for your home and home contents, s. 23) (pdf)
- Luggage insurance, insurance product information document (pdf)
- Fixed-term Travel Insurance, insurance product information document (pdf)
- NewLife-insurance, product guide (pdf)
- OP Life Insurance, product guide (in Finnish) (pdf)
- OP Life Insurance, insurance terms and conditions (in Finnish) (pdf)
- Professional liability insurance, product description and insurance terms and conditions (pdf)
- Sports Cover, terms and conditions (pdf)
- NewLife-insurance, insurance product information document (pdf)
- Life insurance (Extrasure), insurance product information document (pdf)
- OP Life insurance, information document (in Finnish) (pdf)
- Sports Cover, insurance product information document (pdf)
- Disability insurance, insurance product information document (pdf)
- Professional liability insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Living Allowance Insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf) (pdf)
- Insurance for your home and home contents, product guide (pdf)
- Insurance for your home and home contents, terms and conditions (pdf)
- MyHome Insurance, insurance product information document (pdf)
- Valuables Insurance, insurance product information document (pdf)
- Lessor's insurance products, insurance product information document (pdf)
Corporate customer insurance Terms and Conditions
This page contains corporate customers' general terms and conditions, policy documents, safety regulations, insurance product information documents, product guides, special terms and conditions, international terms and conditions, special international conditions, and group insurance terms and conditions. Select the insurance terms and conditions you wish to view from the categories below.
- General terms of contract (pdf)
- Eservices for companies (pdf)
- Digital Agreement for Companies, Terms of Contract
- Corporate Online Services User Identifiers (pdf)
- Motor vehicle insurance for companies, product guide (pdf)
- Car dealership group insurance, terms and conditions (pdf)
- Group insurance for vehicle trade, Insurance Information Document (pdf)
- Commercial Transport Extra, product guide and insurance terms and conditions (pdf)
- Commercial Transport Extra, Iinsurance Information Document (pdf)
- Comprehensive motor vehicle insurance, insurance terms and conditions (pdf)
- Comprehensive motor vehicle insurance, Insurance Information Document (pdf)
- Motor liability insurance, terms and conditions (pdf)
- Motor liability insurance, Insurance Information Document (pdf)
- Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Insurance Plus Financing, product guide (pdf)
- Working machine extra, product guide (pdf)
- Working machine extra, terms and conditions (pdf)
- Accessory Extra, Product Information Document (in Finnish) (pdf)
- Accessory Extra, terms and conditions (pdf)
- Working machine extra and Accessory extra, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Working machine insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Working machine insurance, terms and conditions (pdf)
- Working machine insurance, Insurance Information Document (pdf)
Guidelines for fire extinguishing systems
- Stevedoring insurance, product guide (in Finnish) (pdf)
- Stevedoring insurance, terms and conditions, AKA 04 (in Finnish) (pdf)
- Stevedoring insurance, Insurance Information Document (pdf)
- Freight forwarder’s liability insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Freight forwarder’s liability insurance, insurance terms and conditions, AKH2 (pdf)
- Forwarding, safety regulation, S960 (pdf)
- Freight forwarder's liability insurance and storage insurance, Insurance Information Document (pdf)
- Road transports, safety regulations, S956 (pdf)
- Cargo handling insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Cargo handling insurance, Insurance terms and conditions valid, AKN 05 (pdf)
- Cargo handling insurance, Insurance Information Document (pdf)
- Cargo Insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Cargo Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, KU 05 (pdf)
- Cargo Insurance, special clauses, KU 06 (pdf)
- Cargo Insurance, international clauses, KU 07 (pdf)
- Cargo Insurance, international special clauses, KU 08 (pdf)
- Cargo insurance, Insurance Information Document (pdf)
- Road transport liability insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Road transport liability insurance, insurance terms and conditions, AKR 01 (pdf)
- Road transport liability insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Incoterms 2020 (pdf)
- Health Insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Extra Health Insurance Cover Group policy, terms and conditions (pdf)
- Comprehensive Health Insurance, insurance terms and conditions (pdf)
- Comprehensive Health Insurance Group Policy, terms and conditions (pdf)
- Standard Health Insurance, insurance terms and conditions (pdf)
- Standard Health Insurance, group policy, insurance terms and conditions (pdf)
- Plus Health Care Insurance, Group Policy, insurance terms and conditions (pdf)
- Super Health Insurance, insurance terms and conditions (pdf)
- Super Health Insurance, Group Policy, insurance terms and conditions (pdf)
- Health Insurance, Insurance Information Document (pdf)
- Professional Sports Cover, product description (pdf)
- Professional Sports Cover, insurance terms and conditionsn (pdf)
- Professional Sports Cover, Insurance Product Information Documentn (pdf)
- Foreign Citizen Travel Insurance, insurance terms and conditions (pdf)
- Foreign Citizen Travel Insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Pohjola Accident Insurance for Entrepreneurs, product description (pdf)
- Terms and conditions of Pohjola occupational accident insurance for entrepreneurs, insurance terms and conditions (pdf)
- Terms and conditions of Pohjola occupational accident insurance for employees' leisure time, terms and conditions (pdf)
- Pohjola occupational accidents and diseases insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Patient Insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Patient Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, PO 01 (pdf)
- Patient Insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Group accident insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Group accident insurance, insurance terms and conditions, RT 01 (pdf)
- Group accident insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Employee’s occupational accident and occupational disease insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Employee's leisure-time accident insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Entrepreneur's leisure-time accident insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Entrepreneur’s voluntary occupational accident insurance, Insurance Product Information Document
- Entrepreneur's personal occupational accident insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Corporate Travel Cover, product guide (pdf)
- Corporate Travel Cover, insurance terms and conditions, MT01 (pdf)
- Corporate Travel Cover, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Corporate disability insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Individual life- and disability insurance for company, product guide (in Finnish) (pdf)
- Personal insurance, terms and conditions (pdf)
- Individual life insurance for company and corporate group life insurance (pdf)
- Ryhmähenkivakuutuksen ehdot (pdf)
- Erection/contractors' all risks insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Erection all risks insurance/ contractors’ all risks insurance, insurance terms and conditions, YH 01 (pdf)
- Erection all risks insurance/Contractors' all risks insurance, Insurance Information Document (pdf)
- Property insurance for public bodies, insurance terms and conditions, YH 02 (pdf)
- Fire insurance for public bodies, insurance terms and conditions, YH 03 (pdf)
- Property insurance for public bodies, Insurance Information Document (pdf)
- Liability insurance policies for public bodies, Insurance Information Document (pdf)
- Organisational insurance, Insurance Information Document (pdf)
- Real Estate Insurance, product description (in Finnish) (pdf)
- Extended Real Estate Insurance and Real Estate Extended Full Value Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, KI 02 (pdf)
- Real Estate Insurance and Real Estate Full Value Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, KI 01 (pdf)
- Real Estate Insurance, Insurance Information Document (pdf)
- Church Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, YH 10 (in Finnish) (pdf)
- Church Insurance, Insurance Information Document (pdf)
- Cyber Insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Cyber Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, KY 01 (pdf)
- Cyber-insurance, Insurance Information Document (pdf)
- Equipment insurance, product guide (in Finnish) (pdf) (pdf)
- Equipment insurance, insurance terms and conditions, ES 13 (pdf) (pdf)
- Equipment Insurance, Insurance Information Document (pdf)
- Farm production insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Farm production insurance, insurance terms and conditions, YH 11 (pdf)
- Farm production insurance, Insurance Information Document (pdf)
- Burglary and robbery insurance, insurance terms and conditions, ES 02 (pdf)
- Storm insurance, insurance terms and conditions, ES 04 (pdf)
- Property Risk Insurance, product description (pdf)
- Property Risk Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, YH 08 (pdf)
- Property Risk Insurance, Insurance Information Document (pdf)
- Fire insurance, insurance terms and conditions, ES 01 (pdf)
- Latent defects insurance, insurance terms and conditions, RV 01 (pdf)
- Latent defects insurance, insurance Information Document (pdf)
- Breakage insurance, insurance terms and conditions, ES 07 (pdf)
- Salmonella insurance, terms and conditions (pdf)
- Salmonella Insurance, product description (pdf)
- Salmonella Insurance, insurance information document (pdf)
- Electric phenomenon insurance, insurance terms and conditions, ES 09 (pdf)
- Talkoovakuutus, insurance terms and conditions, TL 01 (in Finnish) (pdf)
- Trainee Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, ES 14 (pdf)
- Trainee Insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Leakage insurance, insurance terms and conditions, ES 03 (pdf)
- Life insurance for company, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Corporate fire insurance, product guide (in Finnish) (pdf)
- Corporate fire insurance, insurance terms and conditions, YH09 (pdf)
- Corporate fire insurance, Insurance Information Document (pdf)
- Corporate insurance, product guide (in Finnish) (pdf)
- Corporate Insurance, Insurance Information Document (pdf)
- Special Corporate Insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Special Corporate Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, YH15 (pdf)
- Special Corporate Insurance, Insurance Information Document (pdf)
- Arvokuljetukset, S833 (in Finnish) (pdf)
- Safety regulations for solar power stations, S950 (pdf)
- Fire safety of a solid-fuel heating station, S925 (pdf)
- Kiosks, S855 (pdf)
- Cyber insurance safety regulations, S711 (pdf)
- Safety and security on farms safety regulations, S930
- Mechanical wood industry, S415 (pdf)
- Garages, S441 (pdf)
- Other safety regulations for property, S480 (pdf)
- Safety regulations for daily fire prevention, S411 (pdf)
- Construction and renovation work, S450 (pdf)
- Safety Regulations For Structural Break-In Protection 1, S851 (pdf)
- Safety Regulations For Structural Break-In Protection 2, S852 (pdf)
- Safety Regulations For Structural Break-In Protection 3, S853 (pdf)
- Safety regulations for preventing electrical fires, S331 (pdf)
- Data centres, S710 (pdf)
- Hot Work, S621 (pdf)
- Damage preventation in wind turbines, S940 (pdf)
- Safety regulations for boats and boat retailing, S476 (pdf)
- Grain dryer fire safety, S920 (pdf)
- Safety regulations for power plants, S970 (pdf)
- Prevention of leak damage, S460 (pdf)
- Insurance for business interruption due to disability, product guide (pdf)
- Professional liability insurance for IT company consultants, product guide (pdf)
- Professional liability insurance for IT company consultants, insurance terms and conditions, VA 18 (pdf)
- Julkisyhteisön hallinnon vastuuvakuutus, insurance terms and conditions, VA 17 (in Finnish) (pdf)
- Liability insurance for public corporation, terms, VA 07 (in Finnish) (pdf)
- Global Liability, insurance terms and conditions, VA 12 (pdf)
- Global Liability Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, VA 11 (pdf)
- Global liability insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Business Interruption Insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Business Interruption Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, KE 03 (pdf)
- Business Interruption Insurance Special 701-707, insurance terms and conditions, KE 07 (pdf)
- Business interruption insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Professional Indemnity Insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Professional Indemnity Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, VA 05 (pdf)
- Professional indemnity insurance and Professional indemnity insurance for construction supervisor, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Statutory Environmental Damage Insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Statutory Environmental Damage Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, YM 01 (in Finnish) (pdf) (pdf)
- Environmental damage insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Professional Indemnity Insurance for Construction Supervisor, product guide (pdf)
- Professional Indemnity Insurance for Construction Supervisor, insurance terms and conditions, VA 09 (pdf)
- Crime Insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Crime Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, VA 51 (pdf)
- Crime Insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Recall Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, VA 23 (in Finnish) (pdf)
- Product Liability Insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Product Liability Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, VA 02 (pdf)
- Product liability and recall insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Commercial General Liability Insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Commercial General Liability Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, VA 01 (pdf)
- General liability insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Directors and Officers' Liability Insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Directors and Officers' Liability Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, VA 06 (pdf)
- Directors and Officers' Liability Insurance (AS OY), insurance terms and conditions, VA 08 (in Finnish) (pdf)
- Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Liability Insurance for Financial Loss, product guide (pdf)
- Liability Insurance for Financial Loss, insurance terms and conditions, VA 03 (pdf) (pdf)
- Liability insurance for financial loss, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Liability Cover for Property Being Handled by or in the Care of the Policyholder, product guide (pdf)
- Liability insurance, special terms 319-396, VA 04 (pdf)
- Corporate Legal Expenses Insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Corporate Legal Expenses Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, OI 01 (pdf)
- Corporate Legal Expenses Insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
OP Smart Contracts service
- OP Smart Contracts Terms and Conditions
- Terms of payment of the purchase price in the OP Smart Contracts service