Give us feedback

Your opinion is important to us. Your feedback will help us improve our products and services.

Give general feedback or share an improvement idea


Please note that any personal service orders or inquiries sent via this feedback form will not be processed.

Get help with personal banking or insurance


Report a technical problem



Do you need help with personal banking or insurance?



What to do if a card or user ID has been stolen?

Do you suspect misuse or theft of your card or online bank user ID? Call us.

See the contact information for OP Deactivation Service

Do you suspect an internet fraud?

Have you received a phishing message or fallen victim to an internet fraud or identity theft?

See what to do in case of fraud

Did you get an error message on the service?

If our online service is affected by a technical problem, please first try to update your browser or use another browser. Clearing the cache memory of the browser can also help.

See supported browsers

This is how you clear your browser’s cache

Read more about processing feedback

If you're not logged in when giving feedback, and you don’t enter your contact details, name or address, your feedback will be anonymous. The phone number or email address of non-logged-in customers will be stored if they want us to contact them. The name and address of the customer will be stored if the customer gives such information for faster feedback processing.

We will store information about logged-in customers in our feedback system, including the name, address and personal identity code of the customer or company representative and the name of the OP cooperative bank whose customer the person providing feedback is. For corporate customers, we also store the company’s name, address and business ID. If a logged-in customer requests us to contact them by phone or email, we will also store their phone number or email address. In addition, we may also use other existing customer information in connection with processing feedback if necessary for the handling of the matter.

In addition, we will store in our feedback system the customer’s feedback, type of feedback, what the feedback concerns and any possible subject.

We will use the stored personal data only in feedback processing, to improve customer experience and OP Financial Group’s services. The personal data is processed in OP Financial Group financial institutions’ customer data files.

When you give feedback through your local OP cooperative bank, your bank will primarily deal with the matter. If you give feedback by telephone or on OP eServices, our nationwide customer service receives your feedback. Either your OP cooperative bank or our customer service will then rapidly respond to your feedback or forward it for further processing.

The processing time depends on the content of your feedback. We try to respond to feedback as soon as possible; to feedback within around 3 weekdays and to complaints within around 15 banking days.

Banking, wealth management and real estate agency services

Please contact us first with the general feedback form. If after our response you’re not satisfied, please contact directly your local OP cooperative bank or the OP service provider that served you. If after their response your matter is still unsolved, see the instructions below under Correction requests.


If you are not satisfied with a claim settlement decision or want more information about it, please contact the claims advisor who made the decision. See the instructions below under Correction requests. In other cases, please contact us first with the general feedback form.

Banking, wealth management and real estate agency services

Please contact first your own OP cooperative bank or another OP's service provider that served you. If you and the bank or the other OP service provider cannot reach settlement, you can contact a customer ombudsman.

OP's customer ombudsman handles correction requests related to banking, wealth management and real estate agency services independently of previous handlers.

The customer ombudsman will examine whether the response given to you complies with the law, contract terms, legal practice and good practice of banking, insurance or real estate agency services. Note that the customer ombudsman doesn’t process any decisions on complaints related to professional investment.


If you are not satisfied with a claim settlement decision or some other insurance-related decision or want more information about it, please contact the claims advisor who made the decision. You can discuss the decision, its grounds and further measures with this person. During your discussion, new information may emerge and lead to a changed decision. The person’s contact details are stated in the decision you have received.

In matters related to your non-life insurance policies, you can turn to OP’s customer ombudsman if you are not satisfied with a decision you have received.

Finnish Financial Ombudsman Bureau (FINE)

The Finnish Financial Ombudsman Service gives free of charge advice and guidance to customers. The Financial Ombudsman Service's Banking Complaints Board and Investment Complaints Board also issue recommendations for decisions in disputes. The Finnish Financial Ombudsman Service does not handle a dispute pending in the Consumer Disputes Board or a court of justice or processed by the Consumer Disputes Board or a court of justice.

Finnish Financial Ombudsman Bureau
Porkkalankatu 1, 00180 Helsinki
Tel.: +358 (0)9 685 0120

Consumer Disputes Board

The Consumer Disputes Board issues recommendations for decision in disputes between consumers and businesses, free of charge. It has no general advice service but handles written complaints (excluding cases related to investment products). Before taking his/her matter up with the Consumer Disputes Board, the complainant must contact Consumer Advice of a local register office (

Consumers Disputes Board
PL 306
00531 Helsinki
Telephone: +358 (0)29 566 5200

Before you can take your matter to the Consumer Disputes Board, you need to contact the Consumer Advisory Service provided by local register offices.

Court proceedings

If you so wish, you can also submit your case to the district court of the jurisdiction in which the bank or the service provider is domiciled or its management is mainly based, or, in the case of private individual, to the district court of his/her domicile or permanent residence.

Online Dispute Resolution

If you have a problem with a product or service you have bought online, you can use the EU’s Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) site to try to reach an out-of-court settlement. On the site, you need to select a dispute resolution body for processing the complaint. In Finland, the dispute resolution bodies include the abovementioned Finnish Financial Ombudsman Bureau (FINE) and the Consumer Disputes Board, which you can also contact directly.


Suspected violations and misconduct

If you suspect that any misconduct or violations is related to our activities, you can contact us through the confidential Whistleblowing channel. 

The Whistleblowing channel is intended only for suspected misconduct, fraud or violation. So, you can’t report service interruptions, give feedback or make customer complaints through this channel. Nor should you report any internet fraud or theft through the Whistleblowing channel.