Liability insurance for companies
Business liability insurance covers your company in case of indemnification liabilities. Request an offer for general liability insurance.Protection against liability for damages
We will investigate whether your company is liable for indemnification and negotiate with the injured party if necessary. If it is found that your company is liable, we will compensate the damages.
Suitable liability insurance for your company
Select the general liability insurance cover that best meets the needs of your industry. If necessary, we also offer customised liability insurance for your company’s specific needs.
Experts at your service
The insurance allows you to focus on your company’s core operations while we take care of any claims for damages against you.
Why is general liability insurance important for companies?
Situations may arise in your business operations where you are liable to compensate damages incurred by another party. Your company’s indemnification liability may be related to water damage caused by faulty installation or a customer tripping over on an old frayed doormat in your shop.
An indemnification liability will result in unexpected additional expenses for your company. As mistakes and disputes are difficult to foresee, general liability insurance provides essential cover for companies of all sizes.
We will take over management of the situation entirely in losses that are included within the scope of the insurance. We will help you investigate whether your company is liable for indemnification and negotiate with the injured party if necessary. If it is found that your company is liable, we will compensate the damages. If there is no indemnification liability and the matter is taken to court, we will take care of the legal proceedings for you. Investigation and claim settlement services are included in the insurance premium.
Liability insurance is essential for companies and self-employed persons
The difference between general liability insurance and ordinary non-life insurance is that liability insurance covers damages caused to a third party. General liability insurance protects the policyholder against liability for damages.
Liability insurance has become increasingly important and is today an essential part of the risk management systems of companies. Whether you are a private trader or own a limited liability company, the purpose of general liability insurance is to protect against damages caused by you or your employees or products.
Which type of liability insurance is best for your business?
Your company’s liability insurance covers liabilities for damages that arise from activities specified in the policy document.
Depending on your line of business, you may need more than one liability insurance policy. In the case of accounting firms, for example, adequate insurance cover typically requires two different types of liability insurance: business liability insurance and financial loss cover.
For this reason, you should take out liability insurance for all your company’s business areas. In pricing your liability insurance, we also take into account risks specific to your line of business. Insurance policies contain a certificate of general liability insurance often required for tendering services and contracts. Contact us for more information.
Do associations need liability insurance?
Liability insurance also protects associations. Situations may arise in an association’s activities where the association is liable for damages suffered by another party.
We recommend that associations review their scope of activities and the need for insurance. For example, if the association organises public events, liability insurance may be necessary. Liability insurance policies cover bodily injury and material damage to third parties for which the association is liable.
The price of general liability insurance for a company depends on factors such as the line of business, the total sum of wages and salaries and turnover, as well as the deductible and sum insured. In addition to liability insurance, legal expenses insurance is one of the most important basic types of insurance for businesses. In the example prices, the prices of general liability insurance and legal expenses insurance are displayed together.
Example prices
Example prices of general liability insurance and legal expenses insurance with an annual salary of 20,000 euros. All prices are estimated annual prices.
Hair salon: 270 euros
Beauty care services: 270 euros
IT consultant: 640 euros
Construction and renovation (construction of residential and other buildings): 1,010 euros
Logging: 350 euros
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles: 1,100 euros
Select the types of liability insurance necessary for your company
- Business liability insurance covers bodily injury or material damage caused to a third party for which your company is liable for compensation.
- Product liability insurance covers bodily injury or material damage caused to a third party by a faulty or defective product, provided that your company is held legally liable.
- Professional indemnity insurance provides cover when a company engaged in planning and consulting finds itself liable to indemnify losses caused by a design error. The indemnification liability may be the result of an error, deficiency or omission in designs, research results and measurement results.
- Financial loss cover is intended for companies whose operations carry the risk of losses that are primarily of a financial nature. These include law firms, accounting and bookkeeping firms, real estate brokers and property management firms.
- Directors' and officers' liability insurance covers financial losses caused by the managing director or board member of the insured company.
- Contractors' liability insurance covers against damages caused by faulty contract work. No matter how careful your company’s work, unexpected accidents can happen.
- Companies are obligated to take out statutory Environmental damage insurance if their business activities carry an intrinsic risk of environmental damage or cause general harm to the environment.
Remember also to insure your company’s real property and vehicles and any statutory insurance, such as workers' compensation insurance for your employees. If you are just starting your business, you should also take care to ensure that your company’s legal expenses insurance is valid before agreeing your first contracts.
Examples of liability insurance prices
All price examples are estimates of the prices of liability insurance. For detailed prices of insurance for your company, contact Pohjola Insurance's experts.
Example of a coverable loss event
Snow falling from a roof damaged the roof of a car
The roof of an industrial hall had not been cleared of snow, and access to the adjacent car park was not restricted. Falling snow and ice from the roof damaged a customer’s car. We compensated the damage to the customer under the company’s general liability insurance.
A customer’s scalp was injured due to an error by a hairdresser
A hairdresser left a permanent product in the customer's hair for too long, damaging the customer's scalp. We compensated the damage from the hairdresser's general liability insurance.
In the service, you can easily and safely manage all of your company's insurance transactions. The service allows you to, for example
- report a loss and see how your loss report is processed
- print out certificates of insurance
- order a Green Card for company vehicles
How to activate the Internet Service:
- Sign the Digital Agreement for Companies and name the administrators.
- Administrators can add other users and their access rights to the service.
- Read more about the service for corporate insurance customers
- Sign the Digital Agreement for Companies
- Professional liability insurance for IT company consultants, product guide (pdf)
- Professional liability insurance for IT company consultants, insurance terms and conditions, VA 18 (pdf)
- Liability insurance for public corporation's administration, insurance terms and conditions, VA 17 (in Finnish) (pdf)
- Liability insurance for public corporation, insurance terms and conditions, VA 07 (in Finnish) (pdf)
- Liability insurance for public sector entities, Insurance Information Document (pdf)
- Global Liability Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, VA 12 (pdf)
- Global Liability Insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Professional Indemnity Insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Professional Indemnity Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, VA 05 (pdf)
- Professional indemnity insurance and Professional indemnity insurance for construction supervisor, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Statutory Environmental Damage Insurance, product description (pdf)
- Statutory Environmental Damage Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, YM 01 (in Finnish) (pdf)
- Environmental damage insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Professional Indemnity Insurance for Construction Supervisor, product guide (pdf)
- Professional Indemnity Insurance for Construction Supervisor, insurance terms and conditions, VA 09 (pdf)
- Crime Insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Crime Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, VA 51 (pdf)
- Crime Insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Recall Insurance, terms, VA 23 (in Finnish) (pdf)
- Product Liability Insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Product Liability Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, VA 02 (pdf)
- Product liability and recall insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Commercial General Liability Insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Commercial General Liability Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, VA 01 (pdf)
- General liability insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Directors and Officers' Liability Insurance, product guide (pdf)
- Directors and Officers' Liability Insurance, insurance terms and conditions, VA 06 (pdf)
- Directors and Officers' Liability Insurance (AS OY), insurance terms and conditions, VA 08 (in Finnish) (pdf)
- Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Liability Insurance for Financial Loss, product guide (pdf)
- Liability Insurance for Financial Loss, insurance terms and conditions, VA 03 (pdf)
- Liability insurance for financial loss, Insurance Product Information Document (pdf)
- Liability Cover for Property Being Handled by or in the Care of the Policyholder, product guide (pdf)
- Liability insurance, special terms 319-396, VA 04 (pdf)