Nainen istuu kahvilassa ja tutkii koneellaan netistä yritysvakuutusten hinnat.

Corporate insurance prices

The prices of insurance policies for businesses depend on several factors such as the risks of each line of business.

Financial security in the event of a loss

When you compare the prices of corporate insurance policies, it is a good idea to think about the costs you could incur in the event of loss or damage. Insurance premiums are relatively small compared to the sum your company would need to pay to repair damage caused by a fire or broken pipe without insurance.  

Experts at your service

Our corporate insurance experts will help ensure insurance cover that is tailored to your company's needs. Explore examples of prices and request an offer with detailed prices of your company's insurance policies.   

What affects the price of corporate insurance policies?

  • Your company's line of business affects the price of insurance because certain industries involve more physical hazards than others, for example. Insurance may be more expensive for a construction firm than an office-based business. 
  • The size of the company can affect the price of insurance. Larger companies need more extensive insurance cover against property, operational and personnel risks. 
  • The amount of the deductible can affect the price of corporate insurance. A deductible that is set too high can negatively impact the business owner's finances. The deductible should be adjusted to the company's ability to take on risk.  

Examples of corporate insurance prices  ​

All price examples are estimates of the prices of corporate insurance. For detailed prices of insurance for your company, contact Pohjola Insurance's experts.  

The price of general liability insurance for a company depends on factors such as the line of business, the total sum of wages and salaries and turnover, as well as the deductible and sum insured. In addition to liability insurance, legal expenses insurance is one of the most important basic types of insurance for businesses. In the example prices, the prices of general liability insurance and legal expenses insurance are displayed together.  


Example prices  

Example prices of general liability insurance and legal expenses insurance with an annual salary of 20,000 euros. All prices are estimated annual prices.  

  • Hair salon: 270 euros  

  • Beauty care services: 270 euros  

  • IT consultant: 640 euros  

  • Construction and renovation (construction of residential and other buildings): 1,010 euros  

  • Logging: 350 euros  

  • Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles: 1,100 euros  

The price of occupational accident insurance, or the insurance premium, is intrinsically based on the occupational groups of the employees and on the sums of wages and salaries paid for these groups. The total payroll is used to measure the amount of work, and the occupational groups describe the risk of occupational accidents and diseases in that line of work.

In the smallest companies, their own accidents usually have no direct impact on the insurance premium of occupational accident insurance because the occupational risk used to calculate the premium is based on national claims statistics. For bigger employers, their own claims statistics are taken into consideration when determining the premium of workers' compensation insurance.


Example prices

Example prices of occupational accidents and diseases insurance with an annual salary of 20,000 euros. All prices are annual prices.

  • Barber/hairdresser: 441 euros
  • Cosmetologist: 467 euros
  • App developer: 110 euros
  • Carpenter: 1,050 euros
  • Logger and forest worker: 1304 euros
  • General secretary: 110 euros
  • Shop assistant: 179 euros

Price ofBecause YEL pension insurance for self-employed persons is required by law, its price is the same in all pension insurance companies. YEL insurance contribution is determined based on the confirmed YEL earned income, insurance contribution percentage and number of payment instalments. New self-employed persons receive a 22% discount on YEL premiums for the first 48 months.  

Example prices  

Example prices of YEL insurance with an annual salary of 20,000 euros. All prices are estimated monthly prices.  

  • Under 53-year-olds: 400 euros   

  • Under 53-year-old new self-employed persons: 310 euros  

  • 53–62-year-olds: 420 euros  

  • 53–62-year-old new self-employed persons: 330 euros  

The price of patient insurance is determined by the patient risk category of the practised activity and the company's total sum of wages and salaries.  


Example prices  

Example prices of patient insurance with an annual salary of 20,000 euros. All prices are estimated annual prices.  


  • Trained masseur: 110 euros  

  • Physiotherapist: 110 euros  

  • Nurse: 110 euros  

  • Non-surgical doctor: 620 euros  

  • Surgical doctor: 4,235 euros  

  • Psychologist: 110 euros  


The price of self-employed person, or the insurance premium, is based on the entrepreneur's YEL income and occupational group and the company's line of business. Self-employed persons’ accident insurance is an inexpensive solution for your company in terms of taxation, because the insurance premiums are tax-deductible as a rule.


Example prices

Example prices of self-employed persons’ accident insurance with an annual salary of 20,000 euros. All prices are annual prices. The example price also includes entrepreneur's comprehensive leisure-time accident insurance.Barber/hairdresser: 576 euros

  • Cosmetologist: 639 euros
  • App developer: 293 euros
  • Carpenter: 938 euros
  • Logger and forest worker: 1000 euros
  • Management Consultant: 293 euros
  • Shop assistant: 357 euros

Request an offer for corporate insurance 

Our experts at Pohjola Insurance have an extensive understanding of the sector and can provide more information about insurance policies that suit your company’s needs. Request an offer, and we will get in touch with you soon!  

Nainen selaa kannettavalla tietokoneellaan tietoja tilanteista, joissa vastuuvakuutus on hyödyksi.
Liability insurance
Business liability insurance covers your company in case of indemnification liabilities.
Mies on palaverissa ja hymyilee tietäen, että hänellä on turvanaan uuden yrittäjän vakuutuspaketti eli Yritysykkönen.
Special Corporate Insurance
Insurance package to protect your company’s movable property and operations. Special Corporate Insurance also covers sudden breakage losses.
Mies ja nainen keskustelevat aiheesta yritysvakuutus.
Corporate insurance
Corporate insurance policies provide cover for both entrepreneurs and companies, enabling operations to continue when something unexpected happens.

In the service, you can easily and safely manage all of your company's insurance transactions. The service allows you to, for example

  • report a loss and see how your loss report is processed
  • print out certificates of insurance
  • order a Green Card for company vehicles

How to activate the Internet Service:

  • Sign the Digital Agreement for Companies and name the administrators.
  • Administrators can add other users and their access rights to the service.