Handle your company’s insurance matters online
At op.fi, you can easily and securely manage all your company's insurance transactions whenever you choose.Start to use digital services
Sign a Digital Agreement for Companies and facilitate your company's and client companies' use of claims and insurance services in OP's digital channels.
Sign an agreementAdd a new administrator
Add a new administrator to a valid Digital Agreement for Companies. This can be done by a person authorised to sign for the company.
Add an administratorServices whenever you choose
Handle insurance matters with ease
Services in three languages
What can OP eServices be used for?
After signing the Digital Agreement, you can take care of your matters at op.fi and on OP-mobile for corporate customers. You have access to the following services, among others:
Inspecting a company’s existing insurance policies
Filing a loss report
Starting to use and updating the employee’s insurance card and sharing it with employees
Reporting changes to employees covered by Health Insurance
Printing certificates of insurance and confirmations of insurance cover
Ordering and printing Green Cards for your company’s vehicles
Printing out travel insurance certificates for visa applications
Sign a Digital Agreement for Companies
Facilitate your company's claims and insurance affairs by signing a Digital Agreement for Companies that you can use in the op.fi service and on OP-mobile. The digital agreement allows you to manage your company's insurance and claims affairs and those of your client companies, if necessary.
In the op.fi service, you can manage your company’s claims and insurance affairs and grant other users access rights for the services for which you have been designated as an administrator.
You can also manage the insurance affairs by your client companies that have provided a powers of attorney by signing a digital contract for a brokerage, accountancy and building management customer relationship insurance service and designating an administrator for it.
You can handle your company’s banking and insurance affairs in the op.fi service with either a personal OP Corporate User ID or a user ID for personal customers. You can manage insurance affairs with any bank’s user identifiers.
Adding a new administrator with a Digital Agreement
You can add several administrators with a Digital Agreement for Companies. The agreement must be signed by a person authorised to sign on behalf of your company.
To delete administrators, you can contact Pohjola Insurance’s online support by sending a message via OP's digital services or by calling +358 10 253 6198.
The Claims Service
The Claims Service is used by Pohjola Insurance’s corporate customers to file insurance claims. Filing claims is easy and fast in the Claims Service.
You can find the Claims Service by logging in at op.fi and selecting a new claim on the Claims page.
If you don’t have access rights to the company’s insurance policies at op.fi, you can file the claim at file-claims.op.fi. We recommend that you always file claims at op.fi if you have access rights to do this, because in this way your company and insurance details are added to the claim report automatically.
Learn more about services and instructions related to claims
Other services and features
At op.fi, you can also view all transactions related to your company’s insurance services and save them as drafts that can be continued later.
The information shown to users depends on their level of access rights. For this reason, different users may see different information.
Statistics to support development of occupational safety
You also get access to an excellent statistics service for occupational accidents and occupational diseases. The statistics give you better insight on the frequency and causes of accidents, for example. They allow you to develop safety at your workplace.
Be sure to check out Pohjola Risk Management Service, which is free for our customers
Organisational units
If your company includes multiple units, you can create organisational units in the op.fi service, which will allow you to target insurance policies and losses, as well as access rights for each unit. Video instructions for creating and editing organisational units, and adding access rights can be found in Pohjola Insurance’s YouTube channel.
Support and service outages
If you have questions about digital insurance services for corporate customers, or there is a failure in the service, please call Pohjola Insurance online support at 010 253 6198.
With a Digital Agreement for Companies, accounting and real estate management firms can manage both their own insurance services and the services of their clients and housing cooperatives. Sign a Digital Agreement for Companies, select the services required by your company and add the administrators for the services.
To manage a client’s insurance transactions, the accounting or real estate management firm also needs the client’s authorisation shown below.
If you use op.fi to manage insurance services for several companies, you can select the company after logging in. You can manage several companies’ insurance policies with one login by changing your customer role.
At op.fi, you can manage banking and insurance services for companies by logging in using either your personal OP Corporate User ID or your own user ID for personal customers. You can manage insurance affairs with any bank’s online banking user identifiers.