Miehet hymyilevät, koska omaisuusvakuutus on kunnossa.

Property risk insurance and Corporate insurance

Cover for your company’s fixed and movable property.

Customised insurance cover

Insure your property with a customised insurance cover and select a deductible that matches your risk-bearing capacity.


Business interruption insurance for additional cover

Property damage may result in business interruptions and cause profit losses not covered under property insurance. Business interruption insurance ensures the continuity of your operations.


Pohjola Claim Help available 24/7

Claim Help assists your company and personnel when a loss occurs. You have quick access to instructions and contact details of our partners, such as subsequent loss prevention service providers.

Property insurance is a vital part of your company’s risk management

Have you considered the consequences of fire or theft of machinery or equipment to your business operations? At the very least, the risk is a temporary slowdown of work rate and additional costs incurred by the need to replace the destroyed or stolen equipment.

The total value of business assets is often considerable, and, without insurance, the continuity of operations may be jeopardised in the event of a loss. Property insurance lets you manage unforeseeable risks and protect your company’s property against sudden loss or damage. 

You can choose either the comprehensive Property risk insurance or the limited Corporate insurance with selectable additional covers depending on your company’s need. They allow you to insure your company’s machinery, equipment and inventory. Remember to also consider any other insurance needs for your business operations.

Flexible corporate insurance to protect your property

Our Property insurance covers sudden and unforeseeable loss and damage to your company’s fixed and movable property, such as fire, leakage, burglary, storm, electricity and breakage damage.

Property risk insurance is an easy insurance solution suitable for all business sectors and companies. It covers the most important types of property risk listed above.

Corporate insurance is a flexible and customisable insurance package. Your insurance will include only those covers that you decide are necessary for your business.

All insurance policies cover:

  • Money and securities
  • Drawings, archives, files and software
  • Customer property that is in the company’s possession and directly related to the company’s business operations
  • Employee property, excluding cash and motor vehicles or equipment
  • Building damage suffered due to burglary

How it works

  1. Request an offer

    Enter your contact details in the form and we’ll contact you.
  3. Our specialist’s proposal

    We’ll chart your company’s risks with you and tailor insurance cover that suits those risks.
  5. You’ll decide how to proceed

    Our offer is not binding on you. Take your time to read it and make your decision.

Property and general liability cover in one package

Most of our customers select Special Corporate Insurance as their property and general liability insurance solution. It combines corporate insurance policies in one handy package that offers cover for your company’s movable property and operations according to your needs.

In addition to Property Insurance, Special Corporate Insurance also includes Business Interruption Insurance, General Liability Insurance and Legal Expenses Insurance.  The package is designed especially for the needs of companies in the retail or wholesale trade, service and production industries. You can modify the insurance package for your company and industry by means of optional extra coverage.

Submit your company’s contact details and request a quote, and our experts will help you find an insurance solution that best suits your business!

Risk management increases the security and performance reliability of your company

Continuous risk assessment and monitoring is an essential part of the activities of all companies and forms the basis for the daily management of business risks. Pohjola Risk Management Service is a digital tool to assist companies in this task. It is a service intended for your entire personnel to improve communication and ensure safe working conditions. Ask for details!

What affects the price of property insurance?

Factors affecting the pricing of insurance include: line of business (industry), location of the company, sum insured, deductible, building category, level of technical protection (such as sprinklers, break-in protection)

Pricing is also affected by all measures taken to improve the security level in your company as part of general risk management culture. The level of the deductible must always be in proportion to the risk-bearing capacity of your company. Increasing the deductible will reduce your insurance premium.

Kaksi miestä puhuvat aiheesta keskeytysvakuutus.
Business interruption insurance
Secure the continuity of your company’s business and also prepare for additional expenses in exceptional circumstances.
Nainen selaa kannettavalla tietokoneellaan tietoja tilanteista, joissa vastuuvakuutus on hyödyksi.
Liability insurance
Business liability insurance covers your company in case of indemnification liabilities.
The insurer is Pohjola Insurance. The losses will be covered in accordance with the law and the insurance terms and conditions.