Mies ja nainen keskustelevat aiheesta yritysvakuutus.

Corporate insurance

Corporate insurance policies provide cover for both entrepreneurs and companies, enabling operations to continue when something unexpected happens. We will help you prepare for the risks associated with your industry and choose policies that meet your company’s needs.

All corporate insurance policies in one place

You can get all the mandatory and voluntary insurance policies for new entrepreneurs in one place from us.


Personal customer service

In cooperation with our expert, you will ensure that any risks related to your business are adequately covered. You can easily contact us if required.


Digital services 24/7

You can check your company's insurance cover at any time. In case of loss or damage, you can quickly get help from Pohjola Claim Help and conveniently file a claim online.

Prepare for risks through corporate insurance

The idea of corporate insurance is to enable business operations to continue as normally as possible despite losses. No matter the size of your company, its operations may be threatened by claims for damages, disputes requiring legal assistance or damage leading to long-term business interruption.

As your company’s business grows or changes, you should keep your insurance updated to respond to the new risks that emerge. Whether you are planning to hire employees, switch lines of business, expand your assets, or make some other changes, leave a message and we will help you choose the right insurance cover for your business.

What corporate insurance is mandatory, then?

Often, the only mandatory insurance for a company is the self-employed person's pension insurance, YEL. In addition, depending on your industry, there may be other mandatory self-employed person’s insurance policies, such as patient insurance and environmental damage insurance.

Property insurance provides cover for your company’s moveable property, current assets, machinery and equipment in the event of, for example, burglary or sudden breakage losses. If your company owns real property, you should also remember real estate insurance, which covers, for example, fire or water damage caused to the property.

In addition to securing your company’s property, it is important to take out insurance for the operations.

  • Business interruption insurance provides cover if your company’s operations are interrupted due to, for example, a fire or disability. Business interruption insurance compensates, for example, gross margin losses arising from the interruption of operations.
  • General liability insurance will help you if your company causes damage for which it is liable. The insurance enables you to focus on your company’s core operations, as we will take care of any claims for damages for you.
  • Legal expenses insurance is an important type of corporate insurance that you should take out as soon as you have started a business. The insurance covers legal and litigation expenses in civil or criminal cases. The expenses of even minor disputes may be significant, and your company may also become involved in a dispute unintentionally.

In addition to the above insurance policies, we also provide statutory motor liability insurance and customised comprehensive motor vehicle insurance for your company’s cars and other vehicles.

Manage personnel risks through corporate insurance

The best way to reduce accidents and illnesses is to prevent them. Proactivity will also bring your company the highest cost savings. It is therefore important for entrepreneurs to keep their YEL earned income up to date and to ensure that the employees’ TyEL pension insurance is valid.

To prepare for occupational accidents and diseases, take out entrepreneur’s accident insurance and occupational accident and occupational disease insurance for your employees. Comprehensive leisure-time accident insurance provides extended cover outside work.

The majority of sickness absences are caused by illnesses, which is why you should ensure their quick and efficient treatment through corporate insurance. Health insurance is a medical expenses insurance policy that supplements your occupational health care and enables a quick recovery and return to work. To secure your finances and income, you can take out, for example, life insurance.

How it works

  1. Request an offer

    Enter your contact details in the form and we’ll contact you.
  3. Our specialist’s proposal

    We’ll chart your company’s risks with you and tailor insurance cover that suits those risks.
  5. You’ll decide how to proceed

    Our offer is not binding on you. Take your time to read it and make your decision.

Corporate insurance in one package

By choosing an insurance package, you can easily prepare for risks associated with your company’s moveable property and operations. We have designed our insurance package,  Special Corporate Insurance especially for the needs of companies engaged in trade, and the service and production industries. 

Special Corporate Insurance includes general liability, legal expenses and business interruption insurance, as well as property insurance for moveable property. The property insurance included in Special Corporate Insurance covers also sudden breakage losses.

If necessary, remember to also take out insurance for your company’s vehicles and real property, as well as entrepreneur’s and employees’ insurance, as these are not covered by the insurance packages.

Nainen hymyilee sillä yrittäjän vakuutukset ovat kunnossa.
Entrepreneur’s insurance
By combining insurance and health and work ability promoting services you will get the right insurance cover for yourself and your employees.
Kuvassa yrittäjä ja asiakas keskustelevat aiheesta yrityksen pakolliset vakuutukset
Self-employed person’s and company’s mandatory insurance policies
Nainen hymyilee, koska yel-vakuutus turvaa eläkkeen.
Self-employed persons’ statutory pension insurance YEL
YEL provides coverage for self-employed persons’ pension and social security.
The insurer is Pohjola Insurance. The losses will be covered in accordance with the law and the insurance terms and conditions.
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