Personal insurance


Learn more about the personal insurance offering of Pohjola Insurance


It's worthwhile to plan the insurance needs of employees ahead of time so that you can focus on your company's business. Remember to also take care of your own coping at work and insurance cover. Voluntary insurance policies help secure your and your company’s finances and increase the commitment of employees.

Self-employed Persons’ Accident Insurance and Workers’ Compensation Insurance compensate loss of income caused by occupational accidents and illnesses, as well as treatment expenses. If your employees work remotely or under a hybrid model, you can supplement their insurance cover with Remote Workers' Insurance or Leisure-time Accident Insurance. 

Voluntary insurance policies also let you prepare for loss of work ability. An employee's or the entrepreneur's loss of work ability is most often caused by an illness. Many entrepreneurs have solved this by taking out Health Insurance for medical treatment expenses for themselves and their employees to supplement occupational health care services and ensure a fast access to treatment and return to work.

Expanding the legally required pension cover with voluntary pension insurance increases your employees' commitment to the company. You can easily expand your and your employees' pension cover with Self-employed Persons' Pension Insurance and Group Pension Insurance.

Insurance helps you secure your family's and loved ones' livelihoods if the worst happens. Voluntary life insurance taken out by the company supplements the entrepreneur's and employees' statutory social security in the event of death. 

Learn more about insurance for entrepreneurs and employees and ask our experts!

Nainen selaa tietokonetta hymyillen, sillä hänellä on työtapaturmavakuutus turvanaan.
Workers’ compensation insurance
Covers your employees in the event of accidents that happen at work or on the way to or from work as well as occupational diseases.
Nainen istuu kahvilan terassilla huolettomasti Terveysturva turvanaan.
Health Insurance
With medical expenses insurance, you secure high-quality treatment and an efficient clinical pathway for your personnel, and also shorten absence due to illness.
Äiti katsoo hymyillen lastaan tietäen, että hänellä on yrittäjän henkivakuutus turvanaan.
Life Insurance for Entrepreneurs and Personnel
Ensure the continuity of your business and reduce financial risks related to your personnel.
OP Group pension insurance
Supplement your and your employees’ statutory pension cover and enable flexible retirement.
Nainen on lennolla yrityksen matkavakuutus turvanaan.
Corporate Travel Insurance
A cost-effective way of preparing for surprising damages with employees travelling abroad.
Nainen hymyilee sillä yrittäjän vakuutukset ovat kunnossa.
Entrepreneur’s insurance
By combining insurance and health and work ability promoting services you will get the right insurance cover for yourself and your employees.
Kaksi naista puhuvat aiheesta työntekijän vakuutukset.
Employee insurance
Learn more about insuring employees as well as your company’s mandatory employee insurance policies.
Nainen etätöissä yrittäjän tapaturmavakuutus turvana.
Self-employed persons’ accident insurance
Comprehensive cover for medical treatment expenses and income protection in the event of an injury.
Kaksi miestä nauravat ulkona huolettomasti tietäen, että yrityksen vapaa-ajan tapaturmavakuutus tuo turvaa vapaa-ajalla ja etätöissä.
Group accident insurance
Protect your staff in the event of injuries sustained outside of work.
Nainen katsoo ulos työkyvyttömyysvakuutus turvanaan.
Disability Insurance
Corporate Disability Insurance helps you prepare for temporary and permanent disability.
Employees' Group Life Insurance
Group Life Insurance is a life insurance policy taken out by employers for their employees on the basis of collective agreements.
Mies juoksee metsässä ammattiurheilijaturva hankittuna.
Professional sports cover
Ensures professional sportspeople can receive treatment rapidly if an accident happens and safeguards their livelihood during retirement.
Mies maalaa työkseen seinää kotitalous työnantajana.
Household as an employer
When you hire an employee for your home, also insure them with workers’ compensation insurance and employment pension insurance.
Kuvassa isä ja poika seisovat pellolla tutkimassa viljaa.
MYEL insurance
Farmers who are insured with MYEL pension insurance are also automatically covered by farmers’ occupational accident insurance, called MATA insurance. In addition to mandatory MYEL and MATA insurance, make sure that you are covered by sufficient voluntary personal insurance.
Nainen hymyilee, koska yel-vakuutus turvaa eläkkeen.
Self-employed persons’ statutory pension insurance YEL
YEL provides coverage for self-employed persons’ pension and social security.
Nainen hymyilee turvanaan yrittäjän sairausvakuutus.
Entrepreneurs’ health insurance
Covers entrepreneurs against illness and injury
Mies tekee töitä kotona turvanaan etätyövakuutus.
Remote workers' insurance
Remote Workers’ Insurance covers accidents during the workday in remote work.
Self-employed persons’ pension insurance
An individual supplementary pension helps you to ensure that you get the pension you deserve.
Kaksi naista tutkii pöydällä olevia materiaaleja ja keskustelee TyEListä, lakisääteisestä työeläkevakuutuksesta työntekijälle.
TyEL or statutory employment pension insurance for employees
TyEL insurance is a form of mandatory insurance for entrepreneurs.
Yritysluoton takaisinmaksuturva yrityksille.
Repayment Security Insurance on Corporate Loans
Security for your company's finances and future.