Mies maalaa työkseen seinää kotitalous työnantajana.

Household as an employer

When you hire an employee for your home, also insure them with workers’ compensation insurance and employment pension insurance.

Cover for accidents at work or occupational diseases

The employer is obligated to insure their employees for accidents or occupational diseases. A workers' compensation insurance is also mandatory for a private employer if you have employees on payroll.

Receive an offer on employment pension insurance provided by Ilmarinen with the same request for quote

All insurance products for household employees are conveniently included in the same offer. The insurance is provided by our partner Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company.

Prompt treatment and a quick recovery and return to work

Our medical partners help us to ensure a high standard of treatment and, together with the employer and occupational health care provider, they support a fast recovery for employees.

When is a household an employer?

Are you hiring an employee to help with, for example, household management or construction work in your home, and the wages or salary you pay will exceed 1,500 euros per calendar year? If so, your household is an employer who has the obligation to insure the hired employee for accidents and retirement. The obligation to insure and the related compensation are based on the Workers' Compensation Act.

Insure your employee with workers’ compensation insurance if the wages or salary you pay exceed 1,500 euros per calendar year, and employment pension insurance if the wages or salary exceed 68.57 euros per month (2024).

The insurance premium of a household employee is determined on the basis of the nature of work and the amount they will be paid

The insurance premium of a person employed by a household is determined on the basis of the nature of the work and the amount they will be paid. The premium is adjusted annually.

Tasks subject to a household’s obligation to insure can include for example domestic help, housecleaning, child care, care for the elderly, property maintenance, house painting, forest work, gardening or construction work.

The employer’s obligation to insure applies to occupational accident and employment pension insurance

You need to take out insurance for your household’s employee for occupational accidents and employment pension.

Private employers are also obligated to provide insurance coverage for their employees for disability and occupational accidents. Employment pension insurance and workers' compensation insurance are mandatory and required by law.

With employment pension insurance, you contribute to your employee’s pension cover. The insurance offers coverage for the employee’s old age, disability and death.

Insurance coverage for occupational accidents and diseases is a part of the social security of employees in Finland. The compensation payable from the insurance secures the employee’s livelihood and treatment in the case of disability caused by an accident at work.

TyEL is a statutory employment pension insurance for employees

Employees’ statutory employment pension insurance is mandatory if you, as a household, employ at least one employee and pay a minimum of 68.57 euros in wages or salary per month (2024). It provides coverage for the employee’s old age, disability and death.

The TyEL contribution is a certain percentage of the wages or salary, and it is determined on the basis of the Employees Pensions Act. A portion of the insurance is paid by the employee. It is the employer’s duty to withhold a specific percentage of the employee’s wages or salary and remit it to the insurance company.

The TyEL insurance is provided by our partner Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company. You will receive an offer on all insurance products for a household employee with the same request for quote.

Workers' compensation insurance provides coverage for accidents at work and for travel to/from work as well as for occupational diseases

If you agree with your employee or estimate that the total wages or salary you will pay during a calendar year for work such as housecleaning will exceed 1,500 euros, you are obligated to take out workers' compensation insurance for your employees, or even a single employee. Take out insurance before the person you hired begins to work, as soon as you know that the wages or salary will exceed 1,500 euros.

The insurance protects your household’s employees. It will cover personal injuries sustained during work, in conditions caused by work, or during travel to/from work. The insurance ensures that your employee receives treatment quickly after becoming injured at work or contracting an occupational disease.

The insurance and the compensation and benefits paid out are based on the Workers’ Compensation Act. The compensation can include medical treatment and rehabilitation expenses and loss of income during the period disability, among other things.

Nainen haravoi lehtiä pihalla talkoovakuutus turvanaan.
Insurance for voluntary workers
Protect the people taking part in the voluntary work of a housing or property company.
Kaksi naista tutkii pöydällä olevia materiaaleja ja keskustelee TyEListä, lakisääteisestä työeläkevakuutuksesta työntekijälle.
TyEL or statutory employment pension insurance for employees
TyEL insurance is a form of mandatory insurance for entrepreneurs.
Nainen selaa tietokonetta hymyillen, sillä hänellä on työtapaturmavakuutus turvanaan.
Workers’ compensation insurance
Covers your employees in the event of accidents that happen at work or on the way to or from work as well as occupational diseases.
The insurer is Pohjola Insurance. The losses will be covered in accordance with the law and the insurance terms and conditions.