Nainen katsoo ulos työkyvyttömyysvakuutus turvanaan.

Disability Insurance

Corporate disability insurance helps you prepare for temporary and permanent disability.

Ensures income security

You receive a lump-sum compensation if, as a result of an illness or injury, you become permanently disabled to work.


A good employee benefit

Disability insurance helps commit your company's key personnel and improves your employer image.


A cost-effective solution

Disability insurance premiums are tax-deductible as a rule.

Disability insurance ensures the continuity of your business

The disability of an entrepreneur or an employee causes a significant financial risk to the continuity of your business. Disability Insurance can help you prepare for risks arising from the loss of the work input of key personnel.

Voluntary Disability Insurance covers you against temporary and permanent disability. You can choose the extent of the cover according to your company’s needs. The insurance solution is an inexpensive solution for your company in terms of taxation, because the premiums are tax-deductible as a rule.

Disability Insurance is also a way to ensure the commitment of your company’s core people and improve your employer image.

Statutory disability pension will, even at best, only be about 60% of your wage or salary. Voluntary disability insurance provides additional cover.

Disability Insurance ensures the income security of entrepreneurs and employees

Disability cover supplements the basic cover provided by statutory insurance for both employees and entrepreneurs. Workers' compensation insurance does not cover disability arising from illness. Secondly, entrepreneurs are frequently entirely outside statutory insurance cover.

When you prepare for disability, you also ensure your family’s income security. Injury in an accident or sudden illness can jeopardise the financial situation of the insured and their family for a long time. Disability Insurance provides the insured entrepreneur or the company’s key personnel with the opportunity to maintain their income in spite of a crisis.

If your property is used as collateral for the company’s loans, disability insurance also provides additional protection for your personal property.

Temporary disability insurance

  • You will receive an agreed supplement to the daily allowance for disability days exceeding the qualifying period.
  • The qualifying period is either 21, 30, 60 or 90 days.
  • Daily allowance will be paid for a maximum of 365 days.
  • The insurance cover expires at the end of the insurance period during which the insured reaches 60 years of age.

Permanent disability insurance

  • The insurance will pay an agreed lump-sum compensation to the beneficiary if disability arising from an illness or injury has continued for at least three months.
  • The amount of compensation can be chosen according to your company’s needs.
  • The cover expires at the end of the insurance period during which the insured reaches 60 years of age.

Nainen istuu kahvilan terassilla huolettomasti Terveysturva turvanaan.
Health Insurance
With medical expenses insurance, you secure high-quality treatment and an efficient clinical pathway for your personnel, and also shorten absence due to illness.
Nainen etätöissä yrittäjän tapaturmavakuutus turvana.
Self-employed persons’ accident insurance
Comprehensive cover for medical treatment expenses and income protection in the event of an injury.
Nainen hymyilee ulkona, kun potilasvakuutus on turvana.
Patient insurance
Covers personal injuries incurred by patients in the course of providing care or treatment.

The policy's taxation details are based on the current legislation. Please note that these details may change during the policy's validity period.

  • Daily compensation and pensions payable on the basis of disability are taxable income to the beneficiary.
  • Lump-sum compensation is tax-exempt income to the beneficiary.
The insurer is Pohjola Insurance. The losses will be covered in accordance with the law and the insurance terms and conditions.