Kaksi miestä nauravat ulkona huolettomasti tietäen, että yrityksen vapaa-ajan tapaturmavakuutus tuo turvaa vapaa-ajalla ja etätöissä.

Leisure-time accident insurance

Group accident insurance by Pohjola offers comprehensive leisure-time accident insurance for your employees.

Comprehensive cover for leisure time and remote work with leisure-time accident insurance

Leisure-time accident insurance covers accidents such as tripping and slipping in yard work and while running. It also provides additional cover for your employees who work from home.

High-quality treatment and fast recovery

Our medical partners help us to ensure professional care and a high standard of treatment. In the case of accident, your employees get fast access to treatment and rehabilitation.

Multi-purpose insurance

Group accident insurance is a form of leisure-time accident insurance that lends itself to many different purposes and can be tailored to your needs. You can take out insurance for your entire staff, a specific group or even a single individual.

Comprehensive cover for leisure time and remote work with leisure-time accident insurance

Most accidents outside work occur in familiar surroundings such as at home or while out for a run. Slips, falls and other leisure-time accidents are the cause of the majority of sickness absences in companies. As an employer or an event coordinator, it is worth extending the insurance protection of your employees and volunteers to also cover any injuries they might sustain in their spare time.

If your employee is injured during remote work or while gardening or volunteering, for example, it is in your interests to ensure quick access to the treatment they need. The insurance gives your employees fast access to treatment at our medical partner for a quick recovery and return to daily life and work. By minimising your employee’s recovery time, you are also reducing the length of their sick leave and therefore your own expenses.

By giving your staff fast access to efficient treatment and rehabilitation after a leisure-time accident, they can return to work sooner.

Multi-purpose insurance

Group accident insurance is a form of leisure-time accident insurance that lends itself to many different purposes and can be tailored to your needs.

You can take out insurance for your entire staff, a specific group or even a single individual and cover them only outside of work or on a full-time basis, in which case they are protected by your policy 24/7. 

It is also an excellent way to provide additional protection for employees who work remotely. In remote work, occupational accident and occupational disease insurance only covers activities immediately related to the work. You can expand your employees’ insurance cover in remote work with voluntary insurance. 

In addition to your staff, you can take out insurance for your visitors, volunteer workers or groups going camping or on an excursion or taking part in recreational activities. You can insure one or more individuals on a continuous basis, for a fixed period of time or for the duration of a specific event. Our group accident insurance is also suitable for schools, educational institutions and nurseries.

What does leisure-time accident insurance cover?

Insurance covers and amounts can be chosen flexibly, depending on your company's needs. The following expenses are covered by different covers included in leisure-time accident insurance.

  • Medical treatment expenses for injuries are covered by Medical Treatment Cover
  • Loss of earnings for periods of disability is covered by Daily Allowance Cover
  • Permanent disability caused by an injury is compensated under Disability Cover
  • In the event of accidental death, the insured person’s next of kin receive a lump-sum compensation.

Our group accident insurance policies are valid anywhere in the world, and they therefore also cover medical treatment expenses incurred from injuries sustained abroad.

The insurance covers injuries sustained during fitness training. However, certain sports are excluded from the scope of the cover under the terms and conditions. As a rule, the insurance does not cover injuries sustained from competitive sports or training or certain high-risk activities. The policies can be extended to also cover high-risk sports. You can find out more about compensation in our group accident insurance product guide and terms and conditions.

For a more comprehensive supplement for your employees’ leisure-time cover, select the workers' compensation insurance with supplement for leisure-time.

Digital insurance services at your disposal

Pohjola Insurance provides you with various digital services that make it easier for you to manage your insurance transactions and make your work smoother. Learn more below and be sure to also check out our free digital services for companies!

The Employee insurance card

The Employee insurance card

Employees have fast access to insurance information and instructions
If an employee falls ill or is injured, the insurance card advises on what is covered by the employer’s insurance and where they should seek treatment. By presenting the card when coming in for treatment, medical expenses are charged from insurance.

Read more about the Employee insurance card

Which factors affect the price of Group accident insurance?

The amount of the insurance premium depends on the following choices:

  • The cover you have chosen for the insurance and their sums insured and deductibles
  • What kind of group or activity are you insuring?
  • Scope of insurance
  • Have you chosen a sports extension
  • Number of persons to be insured or the number of events
  • Age of the persons to be insured.
Nainen selaa tietokonetta hymyillen, sillä hänellä on työtapaturmavakuutus turvanaan.
Workers’ compensation insurance
Covers your employees in the event of accidents that happen at work or on the way to or from work as well as occupational diseases.
Employees' Group Life Insurance
Group Life Insurance is a life insurance policy taken out by employers for their employees on the basis of collective agreements.
Nainen etätöissä yrittäjän tapaturmavakuutus turvana.
Self-employed persons’ accident insurance
Comprehensive cover for medical treatment expenses and income protection in the event of an injury.
The insurer is Pohjola Insurance. The losses will be covered in accordance with the law and the insurance terms and conditions.