Operational insurances


General liability insurance protects your company’s business continuity and are suitable for companies, regardless of size and line of business. Business operations involve many kinds of risks. As an entrepreneur, you may, for example, be held liable for indemnities for a bodily injury or material damage to an external party. If a key employee of your company is unable to work due to an illness or injury, your business operations are at risk of being interrupted. You may also be the victim of a severe data breach or denial of service attack.

From our operational insurances, for example Liability insurance and Business Interruption Insurance, we can tailor an insurance solution that is just right for your company. 

Mies on palaverissa ja hymyilee tietäen, että hänellä on turvanaan uuden yrittäjän vakuutuspaketti eli Yritysykkönen.
Special Corporate Insurance
Insurance package to protect your company’s movable property and operations. Special Corporate Insurance also covers sudden breakage losses.
Nainen on sähkötöissä toiminnan vastuuvakuutus turvana.
Business liability insurance
Covers bodily injury or material damage caused by your company’s operations.
Nainen hymyilee konsulttivastuuvakuutus turvanaan.
Professional Indemnity Insurance
Cover against damages caused by consulting errors.
Urakoitsija tekee työmaalla töitä urakoitsijan vastuuvakuutus turvanaan.
Contractors’ liability insurance
Cover against damages caused by faulty contract work
Kaksi miestä puhuvat aiheesta keskeytysvakuutus.
Business interruption insurance
Secure the continuity of your company’s business and also prepare for additional expenses in exceptional circumstances.
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Commercial Transport Extra
Easy way to prepare against the commonest risks of taxi, bus or other commercial transport companies.
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Financial Loss Cover
Compensates financial loss caused to a third party by the company’s operations.
Kaksi naista keskustelevat aiheesta kybervakuutus.
Is your company prepared for data damage?
Cyber-thieves can steal your company’s most valuable asset: information. Cyber-insurance protects your business continuity.
Nainen selaa kannettavalla tietokoneellaan tietoja tilanteista, joissa vastuuvakuutus on hyödyksi.
Liability insurance
Business liability insurance covers your company in case of indemnification liabilities.
Mies hymyilee smoothie kädessään tuotevastuuvakuutus turvanaan.
Product liability insurance
Covers losses caused by your product.
Yrityksen toimitusjohtajan ja hallinnon vastuuvakuutus
Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance
Liability insurance for company management.
Nainen hymyilee ulkona, kun potilasvakuutus on turvana.
Patient insurance
Covers personal injuries incurred by patients in the course of providing care or treatment.
Kaksi rakennusmiestä keskustelevat työmaalla, jossa rakennusvirhevakuutus on kunnossa.
Latent defects insurance
Coverage for latent building defects in case the founding shareholder becomes insolvent.
Mies ja nainen keskustelevat siitä, miten oikeusturvavakuutus toimii yrittäjän turvana.
Legal expenses insurance
Cover against your company’s unexpected legal expenses.
Ympäristövahinkovakuutus tuo turvaa esimerkiksi kuvassa näkyvälle metsälle
Environmental damage insurance
Cover against environmental damage.
Nainen poimii marjoja hymyillen, sillä hänellä on maatilavakuutus toimintansa turvana.
Farm Production Insurance
Provide comprehensive cover for your property and operations.