Insurance calculator

Conveniently compare insurance policies with our insurance calculator. Select an insurance policy, then use the calculator to compare insurance covers and calculate the price before buying. On this page, you can find our most popular insurance calculators. Compare policies and prices, and buy the right insurance for you easily online.

Insurance calculator - how it works

Use the insurance calculator to compare insurance covers and prices quickly and easily. Comparing prices does not obligate you to purchase insurance, and the information you enter will not be stored if you decide against buying.

See below for our most popular insurance calculators. Select the insurance you want and calculate the price with product-specific insurance calculators. If you’re not sure which insurance policies you need, you can check your insurance needs quickly and easily with a test we have designed for this purpose.

If you are interested in corporate insurances as opposed to private customer insurances, we recommend learning more about corporate insurances and insurance prices.


Our most popular insurance calculators


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Motor insurance calculators make shopping around easier

Thinking about the price of the motor vehicle insurance or motorcycle insurance? If you want to compare or tender different motor vehicle insurance policies or find out how much insurance would cost for a motorcycle, for example, the insurance calculators provide fast and easy answers.

The motor insurance calculators will recommend a policy for your vehicle and show the price with just a few clicks. In order to calculate and compare car and motorcycle insurance prices, we will ask you to provide some key information, such as your vehicle’s registration number and your personal identity code.

The motor vehicle insurance calculator and motorcycle insurance calculator also show your vehicle’s motor liability insurance price, and calculates your bonuses based on your insurance and claims history. You can also customise the cover easily with the motor insurance calculators. You can select the additional cover for your insurance policy that suits your needs and compare prices. When you change the cover in the calculator, the insurance policy’s price will update simultaneously.

The insurance premium is also always affected by the discounts you are entitled to, such as the benefits of OP cooperative bank owner-customers and prime customers. When you compare insurance policies while logged in, the discount is immediately applied to the price and you will see the discounted premium. Please note that no campaign discounts are included in the prices given by the motor insurance calculator. They will be shown after purchase in the policy document and invoice delivered to you.

As you compare policies and premium prices, remember to check any discounts included in the price by the insurance calculator. For example, some fixed-term campaign discounts are not always included in the insurance calculator’s prices, which means that the insurance premium may actually be lower.

You can see existing campaigns for each insurance policy on their individual pages. Any campaign discounts will be included in the policy document and invoice that will be sent to you.

If you’re logged in to the service, our insurance calculator takes your discounts into account. These discounts include insurance prime customer discounts and an OP cooperative bank owner-customer’s discounts.

  • Start using the calculator by selecting the insurance you are interested in.
  • The insurance calculator will ask you to enter the basic details required for the calculation.
  • Once the basic details have been entered, you can customise the insurance by selecting various included covers. As you adjust the covers, the insurance calculator will automatically update the price.
  • The price given by the insurance calculator depends on the covers included, as well as by the maximum amounts of compensation and deductibles you select. Maximum compensation means the sum up to which we will cover losses from your insurance in the event of a loss. Deductible means the amount that you must pay before receiving compensation from the insurance.
  • When you’re happy with the premium and the cover you have selected, you can purchase the insurance directly online.

When you want to receive tenders on multiple insurance policies at once, you can request a quote on the service or on OP-mobile. We will make you an offer that takes your personal benefits into account.