Kaksi naista keskustelevat aiheesta kybervakuutus.


Helps your company to prepare against cyber risks and changing regulation.

Quick expert help 24/7

If data damage occurs, our partner CGI will help you to minimise the damage and to restore normality. Telephone service is available 24/7 throughout the year.

Secure your company’s continuity

If, for example, your company’s operations are interrupted by a denial-of-service attack or data system break-in, cyber-insurance will cover financial losses suffered by your company.

Help for clearing up data system break-ins

If customer information falls into the wrong hands, cyber-insurance will cover expenses caused by liability for damages and for clearing up the damage.

Prepare for data threats with cyber-insurance

The number of cyber threats is increasing and companies of all sizes must be more and more careful when handling customer data. Quick reaction is crucial when trying to minimise losses, whether you are dealing with the company’s website; denial-of-service attack that paralyses your reservation system; computer virus; or customer data falling into the wrong hands.

Cyber-insurance not only provides compensation but also quick help through the data security experts of our partner CGI if your company suffers from a data system break-in or malicious software.

Cyber insurance is data security insurance, which nearly all companies need

Crime is on the rise in an increasingly digital world, and data security threats affect every company in one way or another. Cyber insurance is designed for all small and medium-sized enterprises that use information systems, or that have confidential data, that is, personal data or customer data, in electronic format. In the worst case scenario, the reputation of your company could suffer considerable damage. 

Cyber-insurance supplements a company's property and general liability insurance policies. In order to be granted cyber-insurance, your company must have up-to-date virus protection, a firewall and daily back-ups.

We offer large companies tailored solutions to take care of their cyber security and data security.

Cyber-insurance enables you to receive, for example,

  • quick expert assistance to minimise losses and to restore the situation, such as to recover files
  • compensation for financial losses owing to business interruption
  • compensation for liability for damages and the costs arising from investigations into the matter.

How it works

  1. Request an offer

    Enter your contact details in the form and we’ll contact you.
  3. Our specialist’s proposal

    We’ll chart your company’s risks with you and tailor insurance cover that suits those risks.
  5. You’ll decide how to proceed

    Our offer is not binding on you. Take your time to read it and make your decision.

Cyber-insurance in practice

Hacked factory production equipment stopped production


A factory’s computer-controlled production equipment we hacked, causing production to come to a halt. This resulted in extensive business interruption losses. The cyber-insurance compensated for the profit loss caused by the business interruption.

Data phishing with an ad


An employee clicks on an advertisement which was actually a phishing message. Clicking on the message installed a so-called Cryptolocker programme in the network , which locked over 72,000 files. The policyholder incurred expenses from removing the malware and recovering the files.

Mies ja nainen keskustelevat siitä, miten oikeusturvavakuutus toimii yrittäjän turvana.
Legal expenses insurance
Cover against your company’s unexpected legal expenses.

The General Data Protection Regulation will be applied as of 25 May 2018 concerning all personal data processing as a rule. The purpose of the Regulation is to bring data protection regulation up to date and to support the development of online economy. Another purpose of the Regulation is to increase the openness and transparency of personal data processing.

The Regulation improves people’s right to monitor the processing of their personal data and creates new obligations to companies processing personal data (controllers and processors). In practice, companies must ensure that the data protection principles and requirements are followed at all stages of personal data processing and upon request also to prove compliance.

A new aspect of the Regulation concerns companies’ (controllers’) obligation to report any personal data breach to the data protection authority and the person whose data was breached. For example, the regulatory authority must as a rule be informed of any breach without any undue delay and if possible within 72 hours of the breach being detected.

Compliance with the obligations are backed up by effective enforcement – the regulatory authority may, for example, order corrective measures and significant administrative fines.

The insurance is issued by Pohjola Insurance Ltd. The expert services are provided by CGI.