What is cybercrime all about and how can you identify fraud?

The internet has developed at a staggering pace during the last few decades. The Web offers a diverse range of services that make your life easier – and we as a bank want to offer our customers effective methods and channels for digital services.

As in the life on the whole, you can also, however, encounter criminal activity and fraudsters on the internet.

We at OP are developing our services so as to be as secure and safe as possible. However, also remember to protect yourself: act wisely on the internet and learn sound scepticism and the distinctive features of the common forms of fraud.

Many cybercriminals are very professional in their action. Phishing messages and fake websites may actually be created skilfully and look legitimate. Personal vigilance and knowledge of various fraudulent attempts help identify fraud and protect against them.

How can I identify a fraudster?

Cybercrime may mean, for example, various forms of attempted fraud: phishing personal data and bank user identifiers using phishing messages or on fake websites or, say, a romance scam where the fraudster tries to make the victim give money by pretending to be another person and appealing to the victim’s emotions. Alarm bells should be ringing if the person you have never met in person asks you for money, say, as a loan.

A famous quote “if something is too good to be true” is unlikely to be true. These words of wisdom hold true for cybercrime. That is worth keeping in mind when you make investments or purchases.

The bank or public authorities never ask you for your bank user identifiers or passwords through links or over the phone

Remember that the bank will never send you a link to any website that would require you to log in with your online user ID or give your card details.

The policy or the bank will never contact you to ask you for your identifiers or passwords. Only criminals do so.

Read more about the various forms of fraud in our articles below.

What if I nevertheless become a victim of fraud or cybercrime?

If you become a victim of cybercrime, remember that help is available. You have no reason to feel ashamed of what has happened but you should make every effort to take prompt measures to prevent the harm caused by the offence to you.

Scam websites

Scammers churn out genuine-looking imposter websites - so how to recognise a scam website?

Romance scams

Love can blossom online – but what if the charmer is a cheat?

Information leakage, data breach and identity theft

Data breaches, information leakages and identity thefts are occasionally reported in the media. But do you know what these are actually all about?

Police impersonators

Police impersonators prey on people’s concerns and fears.

Investment fraud

Investor: look before you leap and avoid fraudsters!

Loan scam

A cybercriminal may pose as a lender, taking all the money you have left after you’ve paid the initial ‘fees’.

Technical support scams

People occasionally find themselves receiving a lot of phone calls, when scammers posing as IT support are active. But how do you recognise a scam call?


Different kinds of phishing attempts are becoming more common, and new ones occasionally emerge. Phishing is really an umbrella term for various scams. 

Scams targeting businesses

It is always a good idea to be attentive. That said, professional scammers tend to operate to their own annual schedule, and staying alert during the vacation season is particularly important.

Cybercrime – a word about terminology

What does information leak, fraud or identity theft mean?