As an Owner Plus customer, you get the most benefits

As an Owner Plus customer, you get the best support in using our services and securing your finances. You automatically become an Owner Plus customer when you are our owner-customer, and you use a certain number of OP Financial Group's products and services.

You can easily check whether you are an Owner Plus customer.

Benefits for Owner Plus customers

As an Owner Plus customer, you get access to additional benefits and personal service.

You have your own contact person at your OP cooperative bank to guide and help you with loan matters or saving and investing solutions. When contacting our Customer Service, you are always among the first to receive service.

Your loan applications are also processed faster than normally. As an owner-customer's additional benefit, all OP's payment cards are without monthly charges for you until the end of 2024. After the expiry of the additional benefit, you’ll get the OP Gold and OP Duo cards at a special package price.

Taulukko Omistaja Plus -asiakkaan eduista englanniksi

* You receive the benefit automatically if you are an owner-customer of an OP cooperative bank and use services covered by the benefit from the same bank. After the benefit expires, the daily services package for personal customers starts from €3.95/month and for owner-customers aged under 30 from €0/month. Prices for other customers from €8.25/month.

** OP bonuses are earned from specific OP bonus-earning transactions only.

How can I become an Owner Plus customer?

You automatically become an Owner Plus customer when your OP Financial Group products and services are worth at least 150,000 euros, including loans, or your investments in funds and stocks are worth at least 50,000 euros.

In addition, you have at least three of the following:

  1. OP's daily banking services: current account, OP payment card and OP digital services
  2. A secured loan, such as a student or home loan, unsecured loan, card-based credit or hire-purchase financing from OP Financial Group
  3. Investments in at least one mutual fund, investment or saving-through-insurance product, excluding Profit Share
  4. You are a Pohjola Insurance prime customer (to become a prime customer, you need insurance policies from three different categories)


Cards are issued by OP Retail Customers plc.

How can I become an Owner Plus customer?

You become an Owner Plus customer when you are an OP cooperative bank owner-customer and your use of services, as described above on this page, entitles you to the service.

Does Owner Plus membership cost anything?

- Owner Plus membership does not cost you anything.

Can I terminate my Owner Plus membership?

- Please note that Owner Plus membership is free of charge. Your membership does not obligate you in any way, and using its benefits is entirely voluntary. Owner Plus membership ends if you terminate your owner-customer membership or if you no longer meet the membership criteria after 12 months.

How long is my Owner Plus membership active at a time?

- Your Owner Plus membership is active for one year (12 months) at a time. The use of services entitling to membership is reviewed annually.

Can I be an Owner Plus customer if I am underage?

- Minors are entitled to Owner Plus membership if their use of services, as described above on this page, meets the requirements. A minor's personal contact person will usually be the same as their parents'.

How do joint loans and deposits count towards entitlement to Owner Plus membership?

​​​​​​​If an account or loan is in the joint names of two persons, the average balance will be included in both person’s volume of service use. For example, if a couple has a 300,000-euro joint home loan, 300,000 euros will be included in both person’s volume of service use, because both borrowers are fully liable for the joint loan. The same principle will be applied to account holders with joint deposits.

Does payment history affect the entitlement to Owner Plus membership?

- You become an Owner Plus customer when your use of services, as described above on this page, entitles you to membership, and you have met your contractual obligations such as timely payments to OP.

My contact person's details are not listed on OP-mobile or the service. How long does it take for me to be assigned a personal contact?

- In most cases, your contact person's details will be visible for you once the Owner Plus membership is listed on your OP-mobile, or when you log in to the service. In some cases, your personal contact's details will become visible with a slight delay. This may be due to your OP cooperative bank merging with another OP cooperative bank or a change of specialist at your OP cooperative bank.