Hi new customer!

We are delighted to have you as our customer! Get started by downloading OP-mobile. After that, you can learn more about the owner-customer membership of OP cooperative bank as well as our other services and choose the ones that suit you best.

An easy way to take care of your banking and insurance. Learn more and download!
Owner-customer membership of OP cooperative bank
Get benefits for life! Calculate your OP bonuses and see your discounts.
Debit or credit card?
Pick a payment card for making smooth payments in your everyday life, online and while on the move.
Saving and investing
Start today – it could be the best decision you ever make. Learn about saving and investing!
Isä ja lapsi tutkivat kirjaa sohvalla, äiti istuu lattialla toisen lapsen kanssa, joka tutkii värikyniä.
Loans and apartments
We will grant you loans for the small and big purchases in your life. See your options and test the loan calculator!
Insurance policies for all sorts of needs. Read more and calculate the premium!

Do you need help with transferring your services to OP?

After becoming our customer, you can authorise us to end your services in your old bank by filling in a power of attorney to transfer the customer relationship together with the bank's expert.
After you sign the power of attorney, we will transfer your services to OP in accordance with your authorisation and ensure that the services in your current bank are ended.