Old or new comprehensive home insurance
Is your home already covered by Pohjola Insurance? The terms and covers of Extended Home Insurance, which is no longer available, may differ from MyHome Insurance as described in these instructions. You will see the terms of your home insurance by logging into the op.fi service and going to the My Policies section.
If your home is covered by home insurance that is no longer available, you can easily request an offer for MyHome Insurance online. By filling in the electronic invitation-to-tender form, you will receive information on the insurance policy we recommend for your home, the insurance premium, and how MyHome Insurance differs from your existing plan.
Comprehensive home insurance = five covers for home losses
Comprehensive home insurance linked with MyHome Insurance consists of five covers that protect your home and housing from costs caused by minor and major losses. Unless agreed otherwise, you will also automatically receive general liability insurance and legal expenses insurance with your comprehensive home insurance if you have determined that the insurance at least covers the contents of your home.
You can read more about the comprehensive home insurance covers that can be included in your MyHome Insurance below.
Why should you always choose comprehensive home insurance cover?
When your home insurance has the most comprehensive possible cover, you are protected against accidents such as fire, natural phenomena and water damage, as well as burglary, broken household items, and other sudden and unforeseeable losses. See what covers are available for Comprehensive Home Insurance, and what coverage they offer.