OP Account SMS

Keep track of your account balance and transactions with SMS notifications

With OP Account SMS, you get an SMS notification whenever something happens on your account

OP Account SMS sends a notification to your phone whenever money is either taken from or paid into your account. You therefore find out immediately when a bill is paid, and you can also opt for your account balance to be shown in the message. Alternatively, you can order a summary message sent to you once a day.

OP Account SMS gives you an easy way to keep track of your account wherever you are

OP Account SMS works on your mobile phone, and it therefore goes with you wherever you go. The messages do not show the recipient’s name, and you can choose yourself whether your account balance is displayed. If you have a joint account, you will also receive notifications of payments and credit transfers made by other account holders, which allows you to keep track of how much money is in the account.

You no longer have to wait for a bank statement to check your account transactions

With OP Account SMS, you get a notification about every single account transaction to your phone in real time. OP Account SMS complements your traditional banking services, and you will still also receive bank statements by post as before.

You can now check your account transactions and balance for a fixed monthly charge

OP Account SMS sends notifications about your balance and account transactions to your mobile phone. You no longer need to visit a cash machine or your branch to find out what is happening with your account – or pay a charge every time you want to check your balance or a specific transaction. 

The service is provided by OP.

How to activate OP Account SMS

Call our customer service or visit your local OP cooperative bank branch. Remember to take your mobile phone with you if you visit a bank branch to make an OP Account SMS agreement. You can only use OP Account SMS for your own account.


OP Account SMS gives you peace of mind

OP Account SMS is an SMS notification service that gives you a quick and easy way to find out what is happening with your account. To use OP Account SMS, you need an SMS-enabled mobile phone with a Finnish SIM card. The phone does not need to be a smartphone or have a touch screen.

OP Account SMS gives you an easy way to keep track of your account transactions without having to visit a cash machine or your bank in person. You get an SMS notification whenever a payment is taken from your account. You can also choose to have your account balance shown in the messages so that you always know how much money you have available to spend. If you have opened a joint account with someone or given a friend or a family member access to your account, you will also receive notifications of payments and withdrawals made by them. Alternatively, you can order a summary message sent to you once a day.

The notifications give you a way to check your account transactions and balance without having to wait for a bank statement. If you do not have access to OP’s digital banking services, you will continue to receive bank statements for each of your current accounts by post once a month. OP Account SMS gives you peace of mind and a sense of control over your bank account and finances.  

We offer a range of options for paying your bills. Read more about our services and pick the one that suits you best.

Always knowing what is happening with my account makes me feel safer. Going to the bank is a chore for an older person, and the bank is not even open every day.

Brita Kinnunen Pensioner, Haukipudas

As an OP cooperative bank owner-customer, you will get the OP Account SMS service free of charge in 2025

OP Account SMS costs EUR 2.90 per month. An additional monthly charge of EUR 2.00 applies if you have more than 70 transactions on your account in one month. If you are an OP cooperative bank owner-customer, we will debit the charges primarily from the OP bonuses that you have earned by using our services. In 2025, there will be no monthly or extra charge for OP Account SMS if you activate the service in the same OP cooperative bank whose owner-customer you are.

With real-time notifications sent to your phone, you no longer need to visit a cash machine or your branch to find out what is happening with your account. This also means that you no longer have to pay a charge every time you want to check your balance or a specific transaction. With OP Account SMS, you only pay a fixed monthly charge.