Vastuullinen sijoittaminen kuva

Responsible investing

We believe that investing can make the world a better and more sustainable place. Read below how we promote responsible and sustainable investing.

Analysing the responsibility of investments and encouraging companies towards more sustainable business help investors meet long-term investment goals. Responsible investing doesn’t mean giving up good returns – sustainable companies offer at least as high return potential as other companies. Sustainable investments help bring security to you personally and for our common future.

  • It is our policy to use ESG analysis and data in various strategies, to complement financial analysis.
  • We exclude companies from our investments based on screening criteria that considers international norm violations, banned weapons, tobacco production and our position on fossil fuel based revenue. Our list of exclusions is public and we updated it if necessary
  • Regular post-investment monitoring is a cornerstone of responsible investing. It enables both regulatory and customer reporting on the progress of our responsible investment goals.
  • Sustainability-themed and impact funds offer a way of investing in megatrends and sustainability themes through funds which invest in stock and fixed income markets. In sustainability-themed investment, we focus especially on the environment.
  • In active dialogue with the companies we invest in, we collect corporate responsibility information and seek to influence the companies towards addressing sustainability challenges.
  • We influence companies by taking part in joint engagement initiatives. Their objectives may include pushing companies towards more ambitious goals and actions over climate change.
  • We participate in general meetings of listed companies in Finland and abroad. The ownership policy of funds managed by OP Fund Management Company is described in more detail in Shareholder Engagement Principles (in Finnish).
  • Vastuullisen sijoittamisen periaatteita noudattaen ja sijoittamalla vastuullisesti annamme panoksemme vastuullisuuden edistämiseen. Vastuullisen sijoittamisen periaatteissamme kerromme kriteerit, joiden mukaisesti voimme sulkea aktiivisista sijoituksistamme pois yhtiöitä. Poissulkeminen perustuu tyypillisesti kansainvälisten normien tai OECD:n ohjeiden vastaiseen toimintaan, tietyn tyyppisten aseiden valmistamiseen, tupakkayhtiöihin tai hiiliriskiin.
  • Ilmastopolitiikka ohjaa työtämme ilmastonmuutoksen hillinnän edistämiseksi sekä linjaa sijoitustoimintamme ilmastotavoitteet. Politiikka kokoaa yhteen kriteerit, joiden mukaan analysoimme sijoituskohteita ja asetamme tavoitteet, sekä toimenpiteet, joilla pyrimme tavoitteisiin.
  • Vastuullisen kiinteistösijoittamisen periaatteet täydentävät vastuullisen sijoittamisen periaatteita. Ne kattavat asunto- ja toimitilasijoituksia, metsäsijoituksia kotimaassa ja kiinteistörahasto- ja kiinteistövelkasijoittamista koti- ja ulkomailla.
  • OP Varainhoidon vastuullisuutta ohjaa useat linjaukset ja periaatteet. Olemme sitoutuneet noudattamaan lakien ja määräysten lisäksi myös kansainvälisiä, toimintaamme ohjaavia sitoumuksia. 
  • Omistajaohjauksen periaatteista OP Ryhmä, OP-Rahastoyhtiö Oy, OP Varainhoito Oy ja omaisuudenhoitajina toimivat osuuspankit raportoivat vuosittain. Omistajaohjauksen periaatteet ovat yhtiöiden hallitusten hyväksymät. OP-Rahastoyhtiö tiedottaa omistajaohjauksesta lisäksi OP-rahastojen puolivuotis- ja vuosikertomuksessa sekä rahastoesitteissä. 


New fund categories

One of the goals of the EU’s sustainable finance regulations is to ensure better transparency and availability of ESG data on investment products and easier comparison between products. That’s why our funds are from now on grouped into three categories, depending on the fund’s sustainability goals Article 9, Article 8 or Article 6. Promoting the responsibility of our funds is important to us.

Identify from Fund category Description
Article 9, sustainable investment products Funds that aim at sustainable investment. They invest in companies that have a positive impact on the environment and/or society and human wellbeing.
Article 8, investment products that promote ESG features Funds, that promote features related to the environment or society by excluding companies that have business which is harmful to the environment and society. Companies that take into consideration matters related to the environment, social sustainability and good governance better than their peers are selected for and are the focus of the funds.
  Article 6, other investment products Funds that acknowledge sustainability risks, but do not specifically promote or pursue matters related to the environment or society. 

We will perform the ESG analysis on most of our funds by using our own ESG analysis model. 

See our funds


Responsible investing reports

Responsible Investing Reports 2023 (pdf)

Fund-specific responsibility and ESG reports​

A fund's responsibility and ESG report shows the fund from an environmental, social and governance perspective. The fund gets an ESG rating based on the analysis of the companies in the fund’s portfolio. A report is published for a fund if the available ESG analysis covers over 50% of the fund’s investments. To find a fund’s responsibility and ESG report, see the fund’s monthly review.

General Meeting Positions of Funds Managed by OP Fund Management 

OP Real Estate Asset Management Ltd is the portfolio manager of three special common funds and manages real estate funds aimed at institutional investors. For more information about responsibility and ESG in our special common funds, see each fund’s web page:
More information about open-ended venture capital funds for institutional investors:
OP Real Estate Asset Management Ltd does not draw up or publish its shareholder engagement principles. This is because the funds under its management do not invest in the shares of companies traded in a regulated market.
Group member banks