Property insurance


Property insurance covers your business against unexpected losses, such as fire, water damage and vandalism. We offer an extensive selection of property insurance policies that allow us to tailor the insurance solution just right for your company, no matter your line of business.

Special Corporate Insurance offers comprehensive cover against losses or damage to your company’s movable property, all in a single package. The package also includes cover against risks that threaten business continuity with, for example, general liability insurance and business interruption insurance. Be sure to also check out our other property insurance policies such as real estate insurance and contact our experts at Pohjola Insurance for more information!


Learn more about the property insurance offering of Pohjola Insurance


Mies on palaverissa ja hymyilee tietäen, että hänellä on turvanaan uuden yrittäjän vakuutuspaketti eli Yritysykkönen.
Special Corporate Insurance
Insurance package to protect your company’s movable property and operations. Special Corporate Insurance also covers sudden breakage losses.
Nainen haravoi lehtiä pihalla talkoovakuutus turvanaan.
Insurance for voluntary workers
Protect the people taking part in the voluntary work of a housing or property company.
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Installation and construction all-risk insurance for contractors
A single insurance solution with comprehensive coverage for builders and contractors
Mies istuu pöydän ääressä ja katsoo puhelintaan hymyillen, sillä hänellä on laitevakuutus.
Equipment Insurance
Insure equipment and tools carried along by employees
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Commercial Transport Extra
Easy way to prepare against the commonest risks of taxi, bus or other commercial transport companies.
Nainen poimii marjoja hymyillen, sillä hänellä on maatilavakuutus toimintansa turvana.
Farm Production Insurance
Provide comprehensive cover for your property and operations.
Nainen ja mies juovat kahvia ulkona ja keskustelevat kiinteistövakuutuksesta, joka toimii yrityksen ja taloyhtiön omaisuuden turvana.
Real Estate Insurance
Comprehensive insurance to protect the property of your company or housing company.
Kuvassa näkyy nainen porttikongissa
Insurance for housing companies
Protects your housing company against property damage and liability.
Miehet hymyilevät, koska omaisuusvakuutus on kunnossa.
Property risk insurance and Corporate insurance
Cover for your company’s fixed and movable property.
Kuljetusalan yrittäjä iloisesena ja hymyillen työssään, tietäen että kuljetusvakuutus on kunnossa.
Cargo Insurance for companies
Covers damage to cargo during transit.
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Working Machine Extra
Cover your working machines’ accessories in case of losses.
Nainen hymyilee sillä yrittäjän vakuutukset ovat kunnossa.
Entrepreneur’s insurance
By combining insurance and health and work ability promoting services you will get the right insurance cover for yourself and your employees.
Kysyttävää yritysvakuutuksista?