Nainen on lennolla yrityksen matkavakuutus turvanaan.

Corporate Travel Insurance

A cost-effective way of preparing for surprising damages with employees travelling abroad.

Comprehensive insurance coverage for your travelling personnel

In addition to medical treatment expenses, it covers medical transport to the home country or country of secondment, as well as travel and accommodation costs caused by a sudden natural disaster.


24h Travel Emergency Service

If you suddenly fall ill or get injured abroad, you will get personal support and advice on the selection of a reliable physician or hospital. You can also handle payment commitment matters at tel. + 358 102 530 011.


Our medical partners support your recovery

In Finland, and after a trip abroad, our medical partners offer excellent care and help you to a speedy recovery.

Corporate Travel Cover for you and the employees of your company

Losses and injuries that occur abroad can be surprisingly expensive, so it makes sense to prepare for the risks ahead of time. Travel insurance covers you and your personnel against risks during business trips and secondments, as well as before and after travel. 

If one of your employees falls ill or gets injured abroad, our extensive service network guarantees quick and reliable assistance. Our Travel Emergency Service provides expert advice, e.g. on finding the nearest reliable medical clinic. The Travel Emergency Service also assists you in matters relating to invoicing. Be prepared to pay the costs initially, and then apply for compensation at the service. Visit Pohjola Claim Help to find our partner doctors close to you, whether you are in Finland or abroad.

Corporate Travel Insurance is suitable for Finnish companies, federations and associations. You can take the insurance for your entire staff or for specified groups of employees. Travel insurance can also be a perk that helps commit your employees to your company.

Corporate Travel Insurance supplements the statutory workers' compensation insurance, which does not cover travel illness during a business trip.

What does the corporate Traveller's insurance cover?

The best travel insurance policy for your company is one that can be adapted to the needs of your travelling personnel.

  • Our Traveller’s insurance covers medical treatment expenses caused by travel illness and travel injury with no upper limit in euros.
  • If the insured person is seriously ill or injured, we apply the Consequential Loss Cover to cover the medical transport of the employee to their home country or secondment country, and the travel and accommodation expenses of a replacement
  • Evacuation cover includes extra travel and accommodation costs caused by a natural disaster or act of terror.
  • Besides travel and accommodation costs, catastrophe cover also includes transport costs for movable property incurred, e.g. by an extensive forest fire or explosion.

You can also complement your traveller’s insurance with

  • Cover for Cancellation and Missed or Delayed Departure
  • Cover for Daily Allowance, Disability and Death,
  • and cover for Assault, Abduction and Crisis Therapy.

During secondment travel for your company, you need long-term coverage

When your employees leave on a secondment, they need better insurance coverage than on shorter business trips. Secondment is based upon an agreement with the employer concerning a long stint of work abroad. Secondment insurance is valid continuously while living and travelling abroad. It also covers holiday travel and short visits to Finland during the secondment. The insurance cover may also be extended to the family of the insured employee.

Secondment travel insurance can be extended to cover health care during the secondment period. Costs for health care include, among other things, annual medical checkups, inoculations, basic dental checkups and routine periodical checkups for children. Secondment insurance policies are tailored to the needs of your personnel. 

Be sure to insure your luggage as well

You should complement your travel insurance with luggage insurance to have your own and your employer’s property insured during your trip. We will cover the damage if your computer is stolen, your phone breaks, or your luggage misses a connecting flight. The insurance can be personal or cover the entire family. Payment instruments and securities represent an optional extra cover.

We also recommend the optional Travel Liability and legal expenses travel insurance. The Travel Liability insurance is very useful if, e.g. one of your employees causes personal injury or material damage to a third party while being legally liable in the matter. Legal expenses travel insurance assists with legal expenses related to disputed civil cases, criminal cases and uncontentious civil cases.

Please contact our experts whenever you need further information on our travel insurance alternatives.

Nainen selaa puhelinta ja tutustuu digitaaliseen työntekijän vakuutuskorttiin.
The Employee insurance card
Start using the digital employee insurance card and ensure fast access to assistance for your employees in the event of illness or accident.
The insurance is issued by Pohjola Insurance Ltd. The losses will be covered in accordance with the law and the insurance terms and conditions.