Nainen hymyilee turvanaan yrittäjän sairausvakuutus.

Entrepreneurs’ health insurance

Covers entrepreneurs against illness and injury.

You are your company’s most valued asset

If you fall ill or are injured in an accident, the insurance covers your medical treatment expenses and secures your income so that you can focus on your recovery.

Fast treatment and a quick return to work

Access to timely and professional treatment speeds up recovery and return to work and saves money for your business.

An insurance that also covers the entrepreneur’s pre-existing conditions

You can insure yourself regardless of your current health, as entrepreneurs’ health insurance also covers pre-existing conditions.

Medical expenses insurance for entrepreneurs

The illness or injury of an entrepreneur always has an impact on the business. This is especially true if the entrepreneur is the sole employee. Even a short absence may result in significant costs for the business. Sick leave may sound like a myth to an entrepreneur, but if you have the right insurance, you can make sure you can focus on getting better instead of worrying about work.

Entrepreneurs’ medical expenses insurance or Health Insurance covers illnesses and injuries that occur at work and during leisure time. The insurance  adds to the medical treatment services provided by occupational health care and ensures that treatment expenses are reimbursed. If you fall ill or are injured in an accident, entrepreneurs’ health insurance ensures you fast access to high-quality treatment and a speedy return to work.

Health Insurance covers examination and treatment expenses of illnesses and injuries and supplements the insurance cover offered by entrepreneurs’ accident insurance.

Customised Health Insurance for entrepreneurs

Pohjola Health Insurance is suitable for all entrepreneurs and businesses. A prerequisite for granting the insurance is that the entrepreneur has statutory self-employed persons’ accident insurance at Pohjola Insurance. Health Insurance policies are generally tax exempt, with the exception of Super Health Insurance.

An entrepreneur falling ill and staff absences can slow down business operations. If you wish to offer medical expenses insurance to your employees, the policy can be customised to meet the needs of all your personnel. Ask our experts for more information and leave a contact request.

You can choose from four options to get the most suitable medical expenses insurance for your business:

Valitse vakuutus(1/4)

Supplements your occupational health care agreement  Kyllä  Kyllä  Kyllä  Kyllä
Can be issued without a health declaration  Kyllä  Kyllä  Kyllä  Kyllä
The Employee insurance card  Kyllä  Kyllä  Kyllä  Kyllä
Surgeries at our partner doctor or a public hospital/clinic  Kyllä  Kyllä  Kyllä  Kyllä
Post-surgery physiotherapy  Kyllä  Kyllä  Kyllä
Examinations and treatments by a specialist  Kyllä  Kyllä  Kyllä
Psychotherapy prescribed by a doctor  Kyllä  Kyllä  Kyllä
Physiotherapy prescribed by a doctor  Kyllä
Direct access to a general practitioner or specialist for treatment without a referral from an occupational health physician  Kyllä  Kyllä
Hospital/clinic can be freely selected  Kyllä
Medication  Kyllä

Smooth access to treatment speeds up the return to work

Most sickness absences are not due to accidents at work but illness. For this reason, preparing against illness is the prudent thing to do. Preventing sickness absences ahead of time is challenging, but fast treatment and extensive insurance cover help the entrepreneur return to work faster.

The extensive coverage of entrepreneurs’ health insurance gives you broad cover throughout all stages of your care, from diagnosis and treatment to rehabilitation. Our extensive network of partner doctors helps us ensure timely and high-quality treatment and supports your return to work.  

Our partner doctors are committed to providing fast treatment in order to ensure you a speedy return to work. Whether you have been injured in an accident or developed a serious medical condition, you get appropriate treatment, which boosts convenience and cost-efficiency. The insurance lets you avoid large and unexpected costs that may result from treatment such as surgeries. It also helps make your life easier, as our partner physicians can invoice us directly for any expenses covered by the insurance without the need to file separate insurance claims.


We will help you select suitable insurance for your company

Entrepreneurs’ health insurance protects your wellbeing and supports your company’s business continuity. Regardless of whether you are a new or seasoned entrepreneur, our experts will customise an insurance solution suitable for your business. With your insurance in order, you are free to focus on your business.

Ask for a quote for health insurance for yourself or your company’s employees by leaving your contact information with the button below! We will get back to you on the following business day at the latest.

Nainen etätöissä yrittäjän tapaturmavakuutus turvana.
Self-employed persons’ accident insurance
Comprehensive cover for medical treatment expenses and income protection in the event of an injury.
Nainen katsoo ulos työkyvyttömyysvakuutus turvanaan.
Disability Insurance
Corporate Disability Insurance helps you prepare for temporary and permanent disability.
The insurer is Pohjola Insurance. The losses will be covered in accordance with the law and the insurance terms and conditions.
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