OP Kiina

OP-China Fund


China is a global economic superpower alongside the United States, and its stock market is suited especially for the most return-oriented investors. The OP-China fund allows you to diversify your investments in the extensive stock markets of the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

Your investments are managed by OP's international partner J.P. Morgan Asset Management, one of the world's largest and most respected investment institutions. The portfolio manager responsible for selecting the fund’s stocks is based in the target market and has access to J.P. Morgan's extensive resources. Local expertise is always invaluable in investing, and this is especially true in a developing economy such as China, where private investors may have difficulties finding enough information.

Increased risks and significant volatility in stock prices are a part of investing in developing markets. However, the risks can be minimised through professional portfolio management and diversification. Through the OP-China fund, you invest in dozens of companies in multiple sectors. The fund is an easy choice for investors who seek high returns and have the patience to tolerate market volatility.

Why invest in the OP-China fund

  • The world's second largest economy offers many opportunities for stock investors
  • The portfolio is managed by OP's partner J.P. Morgan Asset Management, one of the world's most respected investment institutions
  • Broad diversification in stock markets in the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan with a single fund
Subscription fee Annual management fee Redemption fee
0,75 % 2,50 % 0,75 %

Agreements under a systematic investment plan are not subject to subscription fees. Fund units generate OP bonuses.

Basic data, performance and fact figures

This is an advertisement. The funds are managed by OP Fund Management Company Ltd. The portfolio manager is the portfolio management company specified in the fund prospectus for OP funds. Investments always involve risks. The value of investments can rise and fall, and the investor may lose part of or all the invested funds. Past performance is no guarantee of potential future yield. The larger the fund’s expenses, the greater the impact on the expected return on the investment. Any yield also depends on taxation, which in turn varies depending on the investor’s personal circumstances and is subject to future changes. If the fund is marketed outside Finland, OP Fund Management Company Ltd may decide to end such marketing. The information presented on this page does not fully describe all the fund’s characteristics.

Before making an investment decision, take all the characteristics or objectives of the fund into consideration, as described in the fund prospectus for OP funds and other documents related to the fund. Only make your final investment decision after reading the fund prospectus for OP funds and the key investor information document and rules of the fund. These documents can be found on the web page of the respective fund. The fund prospectus and the summary of investors’ rights in mutual funds are available at op.fi in Finnish, Swedish and English.