Safe driving comes with experience

Pohjola Insurance, Suomen Autokoululiitto and test track partners offer drivers, motorists and moped riders the chance to improve their driving skills to be more well-rounded. Whether you are operating a car, motorcycle or moped, make sure you have the skills to avoid preventable accidents. Safe driving comes with experience!


Driving practice pays off

Good skills on the road form the foundation for safe driving. By completing the driving or riding practice course, you develop your skills and prepare against the unexpected. Safe driving comes with experience!

After completing a driving or riding practice course at our partner test track or driving school that offers motorcycle or moped training, you can get up to 20% off the price of comprehensive motor vehicle insurance for a passenger car, motorcycle or moped. Take the practice course to improve your skills on the road and enjoy the insurance benefits!

Select your vehicle and see instructions


After completing the practice course, you can get a discount of up to 20% on comprehensive motor vehicle insurance for a passenger car, motorcycle or moped.


Nuoret naiset autossa
Passenger car
Slippery driving course for young drivers.
” ”
Comprehensive package of exercises for dealing with unexpected situations. Suitable for motorists of all levels of experience.

Learn driving skills in a safe environment under a professional instructor


Ajoharjoittelu Pohjola Vakuutuksen yritysasiakkaille

Pohjola Vakuutus ja Riihimäen Liikenneturvallisuuskeskus tarjoavat yhteistyössä Pohjola Vakuutuksen yritysasiakkaille suunniteltuja Turvallisen liikkumisen kursseja. Koulutus auttaa tunnistamaan toimintaan ja olosuhteisiin liittyvät riskit liikenteessä.

Lue lisää Turvallisen liikkumisen kurssista