How to identify scam messages – see examples of scam messages

Scam messages are repeatedly sent in OP’s name. You’ll find the most recent scams that have come to our attention on this page. Please note that phishing messages may be in the same message chain as genuine SMSes from OP. The address leading to the phishing page changes frequently.

This page includes images and descriptions of scam messages sent by cybercriminals. If you receive a message of this kind, it’s a scam. The messages are usually in Finnish.

A scam message often urges its reader to take action through a link or button. Usually, the link will take you to a fake page passing off as a login page. Its purpose is to phish for bank user IDs or other information. Do not click on the link or button!

Even if the suspicious message you received is not shown on this page, do not react to the message as it could be a new scam. Take a screen capture of the suspicious SMS and email it to tietoturvailmoitukset(at) If the message arrived by email, save the message and send it as an email attachment to tietoturvailmoitukset(at) You can also contact our Customer Service to have the matter investigated.

If you suspect that your user ID has fallen into the wrong hands, deactivate your user ID by calling at 0100 0500 (personal customers) or 0100 05151 (corporate customers). When our Customer Service is not available, please call the OP Deactivation Service at +358 100 0555. The service is open 24/7.

What a scam message looks like – the most recent scams that have come to our attention

30.12.2024 ”Vahvista tietoni”

The email message requests to update information through a link. The message is a scam.


14 November 2024 Several hoax messages in OP's name

The senders of SMSes try to make you tap on the link by citing various reasons. The SMSes have sender names like "OP Ohje" (OP Guidelines) or "OP Suojaus" (OP Protection), which are fake sender identifiers. Our real sender identifiers are "OP", "OP Analyysi" and the number +35840 7118180, which we use for further confirmation messages. SMSes showing these names are real. The messages shown below are scams.



10 November 2024 "OP-sovelluksessa on viesti odottamassa sinua"

According to the SMS, there is a message for you in the OP application, which you can open by tapping the link. This SMS is a scam.


9 November 2024 ”Tiliisi yhdistetty puhelinnumero on äskettäin päivitetty"

The email informs the customer that their phone number has been changed and encourages the customer to click on the link to take action if the change had not been made by them. Other emails encouraging the customer to click on a link for whatever reason are also circulating. The message is a scam.


4 September 2024 "Tili on tilapäisesti lukittu"

The message, which is in Finnish, states that "Tili on tilapäisesti lukittu". The message is a scam.

21 August 2024 "Lainahakemuksesi on vastaanotettu"

The message, which is in Finnish, states that "Lainahakemuksesi on vastaanotettu". The message is a scam.

14 August 2024 "Vahvistitko uudet ehtomme?"

The message is a scam.

4 July 2024 "Sähköpostiosoitteesi on poistettu profiilistasi"

The message, which is in Finnish, states that "Sähköpostiosoitteesi on poistettu profiilistasi". The message is a scam.

1 July 2024 "Olet maksamassa"

The message is a scam.

27 April 2024 "Tililläsi olevan teknisen ongelman vuoksi tilisi suljetaan ja rahoitus saldosi jäädytetään"

The message, which is in Finnish, states that "vahvista tietosi napsauttamalla alla olevaa painiketta jatkaaksesi osallistumista hakemukseen". The message is a scam.

25 April 2024 "Uusi mobiilisovellus on asennettu nimellä"

The message, which is in Finnish, states that "Uusi mobiilisovellus on asennettu nimellä: iphone Ibrahim". The message is a scam.

2 April 2024 "Järjestelmämme havaitsi tililläsi uutta toimintaa"

The message, which is in Finnish, states that "Järjestelmämme havaitsi uutta toimintaa". The message is a scam.

1 April 2024 "Tilin vahvistus vaaditaan!"

The message, which is in Finnish, states that "Tuoreen tarkastuksen perusteella OP-tilinne ei täytä täysin yleisiä ehtojamme. Olkaa hyvä ja suorittakaa lyhyt todennus". Viestissä kerrotaan, että "Jos ette halua tarkastaa ja/tai vahvistaa tilinne käyttöä, meidän maksupalveluntarjoajana on pakko sulkea tilinne". The message is a scam.