Do you already have voluntary pension insurance?
Once you have reached the retirement age stated in the insurance terms and conditions, you can begin withdrawing your pension whenever you want. If you wish, you can postpone the payment of the pension if you have not yet retired. See the instructions on how you can start withdrawing your pension or postpone payment.
Supplement your income during retirement
It's advisable to save for retirement independently in addition to your statutory employees' pension or self-employed persons' pension insurance. Even if your retirement age is still far off, it's a good idea to give the matter some thought. How much will your income decrease when you retire? What will happen if your work ability or career does not last until your planned retirement age? Saving for retirement provides financial security and freedom for your retirement years.
See how much pension you have accrued
Estimating your pension can be difficult, but it will probably be only around 30% to 60% of your salary. Check how much pension you have accrued easily in OP-mobile or with the pension calculator at When you know what your income will be after retirement, it is easier to calculate how much savings and investments you should have in addition to your statutory pension. Check your pension record:
Open OP-mobile > Accounts and cards > Pension record
It pays to start saving for retirement in good time
The most important thing is to start saving early – preferably in your 30s or even sooner. When you begin saving for retirement early, you can get started even with a small monthly amount and have time to accumulate considerable pension savings before retiring. Once you know your future pension, you can calculate how much retirement savings you should have.
Retirement savings calculator, or compound interest calculator
See how much you could save for retirement depending on how much you put away each month. The retirement savings calculator can also suggest suitable ways for you to invest your money. Start saving for retirement today.