The Information for Investors news-sheets contain information that must by law be communicated to clients before providing investment services.
Information for Investors contains:
- information on OP cooperative banks as service provider and on investment services provided by OP cooperative banks;
- the general principles of custody of client assets at OP cooperative banks;
- the Conflicts-of-Interest Policy applied by OP cooperative banks. The practices described in the Policy are used to take account of the client's best interests in the case of conflicts of interest;
- the operating principles governing the execution of orders;
- the general description of the characteristics of financial instruments and major risks associated with them. More detailed information on each financial instrument can be found in the financial instrument's brochure; and
- information on how we consider sustainability risks (OP cooperative banks' and OP Asset Management's versions).
The Information for Investors news-sheets come in different versions for different OP Financial Group companies.