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OP-Clean Water Fund


The volume of potable water is reducing continuously because of pollution, groundwater depletion, and climate change. At the same time, population growth and rising living standards increase water consumption everywhere. According to estimates by the UN and World Bank, up to half of the world’s population will suffer from water shortages by 2050. The OP-Clean Water fund is your gateway to investing in companies that seek to secure access to potable water in the future.

OP-Clean Water focuses on companies that supply water management infrastructure or develop water technology, as well as on conglomerates that are market leaders in one of the water industry sectors. Such companies will be in pole position when the price of clean water rises and demand for water expertise grows. As a unitholder, you’ll benefit from the expertise of OP Asset Management's experienced portfolio managers, who base their stock selections on extensive company-specific analyses and a deep understanding of the market.

The goal of the OP-Clean Water fund is to make investments that are sustainable for the environment. Sustainability is determined based on the UN's principles of sustainable development. The fund excludes companies that are considered harmful to the environment, such as thermal coal producers. We also screen our target companies regularly to ensure compliance with good governance, such as international norms related to taxation and anti-corruption.

Why invest in the OP-Clean Water fund

  • The amount of potable water in the world is decreasing – demand for solutions that improve access to clean water increases
  • Global diversification in growth and value companies with a single fund
  • Easy avenue to sustainable investing

Subscription fee

Annual management fee

Redemption fee

0,00 % 1,80 % 0,75 %

Fund units generate OP bonuses.

Basic data, performance and fact figures

This is an advertisement. The funds are managed by OP Fund Management Company Ltd. The portfolio manager is the portfolio management company specified in the fund prospectus for OP funds. Investments always involve risks. The value of investments can rise and fall, and the investor may lose part of or all the invested funds. Past performance is no guarantee of potential future yield. The larger the fund’s expenses, the greater the impact on the expected return on the investment. Any yield also depends on taxation, which in turn varies depending on the investor’s personal circumstances and is subject to future changes. If the fund is marketed outside Finland, OP Fund Management Company Ltd may decide to end such marketing. The information presented on this page does not fully describe all the fund’s characteristics.

Before making an investment decision, take all the characteristics or objectives of the fund into consideration, as described in the fund prospectus for OP funds and other documents related to the fund. Only make your final investment decision after reading the fund prospectus for OP funds and the key investor information document and rules of the fund. These documents can be found on the web page of the respective fund. The fund prospectus and the summary of investors’ rights in mutual funds are available at op.fi in Finnish, Swedish and English.