OP Financial Group provides its clients and those interested with information on the execution of orders. You can find the following information on this page:
• How and with whom we trade when executing client orders for different types of financial instruments.
• Our Best Execution Policy.
• Lists of the execution venues where our orders are typically executed.
We apply the operating principles of the company to our client order with which the client has a client relationship related to investment service. OP Customer Services Ltd accepts OP cooperative banks’ client orders for bonds from the OP cooperative banks and seeks the best result for the client by asking for a price from an OP Financial Group service provider and/or a service provider outside of OP Financial Group.
Best Execution Policy
The Best Execution Policy that we follow in executing client orders. With the Policy, we ensure that we will take all measures required to guarantee the best possible result for our clients.
OP Financial Group has several different actors which execute client orders. This means that there are many principles in place too. In the table below, you can choose which OP Financial Group’s entity’s operating principle interests you in particular. A list of execution venues and counterparties relevant to the context can be found by each operating principle that can be used in the execution of client orders. If such appendix does not exist, the required information can be found directly in the operating principles.