Using, ordering and replacing an OP key code list

As part of OP's user ID, you get a personal username, password and key code list. Keep them so that no one but you has access to them. With the user ID, you can also enable Mobile key used on OP-mobile. If you mainly use services on mobile devices, we recommend that you use Mobile key instead of the key code list.

How the key code list works

You can identify yourself when logging into OP's digital services and verify your identity online with the key code list. If you choose key code list as identification method, you'll need your

  • username,
  • password,
  • key code list, and
  • a phone with the capability to receive SMS confirmations of payments and service logins. The phone must be your own and in personal use – a shared phone is not suitable for this purpose. 

When you use services with a key code list, you need a phone that can receive SMS confirmations. We send these confirmation messages from the number +358 40 711 8180, and they are signed by OP. Please note that we won't require an SMS confirmation every time.

Using the key code list

  1. Make sure that you're logging into OP's digital services or some other reliable service. Never enter your user ID on a page where you have landed after clicking on a link in an SMS or email.
  2. Select Key code list as your identification method. Then enter your username and password for the service. 
  3. The service will ask you to enter a key code in random order. On the key code list, find the key code whose list number is indicated by the service or in the SMS. Enter the key code in the field reserved for it and select Confirm. 
  4. Select Continue.

Note that the service will ask for a key code whenever you confirm or pay for something. When needed, also other confirmations will be sent by SMS to the number you've linked to your user ID. 

Ordering a new key code list

You'll be automatically sent a new key code list when the list you're using has 20 key codes left. We'll post the new key code list to the address available in your customer information.

You can also order a new key code list yourself on the service or by contacting OP's Customer Service. If you've lost your key code list or run out of key codes, you can't order a new list online but can only get one through the Customer Service or from your nearest OP cooperative bank. In that case, bring a valid passport or identity card with you. 

Replacing the key code list 

You must replace the key code list before its key codes have been used up. 

When replacing a key code list, you must activate the new key code list yourself on the service. To start using a new key code list, you'll need your current key code list that must have at least three unused key codes left. 

To activate the new key code list, you'll also need the new key code list as it has the 10-digit activation code.

Further confirmation phone number – What is further confirmation? How does it work?

Further confirmation is a security feature that protects you against fraud. Further confirmation phone number is the phone number linked to your user ID. When necessary, we'll send transaction details and confirmation instructions by SMS to this number for you to check.

When you receive a confirmation by SMS, always read it carefully. If the details of the SMS match the transaction you're making, you can confirm the transaction. If the details of the SMS differ from the transaction you're making, don't confirm the transaction. We send these SMSes from the number +358 40 711 8180, and they are signed by OP.

If you get an SMS confirmation but are not making any transactions with your user ID at the moment, or if the details of the SMS don't match your transaction, prevent the use of your user ID. Do this by contacting OP Customer Service or OP Deactivation Service (24/7). Also close your user identifiers if you suspect that they have fallen into the wrong hands. To receive a new user ID, visit any of our bank branches. Please remember to take your passport or identity card with you. 

The key code lists have been renewed

You will automatically receive a new type of key code list when you order a new key code list through

The new key code lists are larger and clearer than the old ones. They are designed for private use and can also be read better with a reading device. If you are using a smart device, it is a good idea always to identify yourself with Mobile key. 

If you do not yet have the new type of key code list, order it now and start using it immediately.