User ID and Mobile key
Frequently asked questions
What should I do if someone tries to scam me?
OP's user ID – What should I do if my user ID is locked?
User ID – Why is a user ID personal?
OP's user ID – What should I do if my user ID is lost or stolen?
What is Mobile key and how can I get it?
Is Mobile key safe?
How can I change my Mobile key PIN? What should I do if I've forgotten it?
I lost my device that has Mobile key in it. What should I do?
What is Mobile key confirmation request ID? Why should I check it?
How can I check whether I have enabled Mobile key? Where can I get help?
How does Mobile key work on a computer?
My Mobile key doesn't work. What should I do?
How do I use Mobile key to access an online service or confirm a transaction?
Key code list – How can I get a new key code list?
Key code list – How can I replace my key code list?
Further confirmation phone number – What is further confirmation? How does it work?
Further confirmation phone number – I have a new phone number. How can I update my further confirmation phone number?
Further confirmation phone number – I received a further confirmation SMS by mistake. I don't have OP's user ID or the phone number isn't linked to my user ID. What should I do?
Further confirmation phone number – I don't have a further confirmation phone number. What should I do?
Mobile key – Enabling Mobile key, option "Use second device"
Mobile key – I can't enable it with my other device. What should I do?
Key code list -Why is the updated key code list so large?
OP's user ID – What should I do if I forgot my username or password?
What should I do if someone tries to scam me?
If you get a suspicious email that looks like it's been sent from OP, please forward it to us. Don't click any links in the message. Delete the message after you have forwarded it.
If you get an unusual notification or a suspicious view in the service, please send us an email with a print screen of the website and its source code.
Include your name, contact information and your bank’s name (such as OP Mallila) in your email. Send your message to tietoturvailmoitukset(a) We don't reply directly to messages sent to this email but you will receive an automatic reply. Also report the incident to OP Customer Service or to your bank.
If you suspect that your user ID has been obtained by an unauthorised person, immediately deactivate it by calling OP Customer Service. Outside its opening hours, call OP Deactivation Service (24/7). If you call OP Deactivation Service, also contact OP Customer Service during service hours.
OP's user ID – What should I do if my user ID is locked?
If your username or key code list is locked because you made a typing error, at login you'll get a notification saying that it will remain locked for 24 hours. Your user ID will be unlocked if after 24 hours you log into (in Finnish or Swedish for personal customers) again with your key code list and enter your username, password and key code correctly. If you need your user ID sooner or if you enter it incorrectly again, you need to visit an OP cooperative bank branch.
When using our branch services, you need to have a valid personal ID document that is accepted for handing over OP's user ID. A driving licence is not accepted as proof of identity.
Check which ID documents are accepted by the bank
If you suspect that your OP's user ID has been obtained by an unauthorised person, immediately deactivate it by calling OP Customer Service. Outside its opening hours, call OP Deactivation Service (24/7). If you call OP Deactivation Service, also contact OP Customer Service during service hours.
User ID – Why is a user ID personal?
Your online user ID serves as your identification on the web. Agreements, orders, applications and messages signed with your user ID are binding on you. That’s why a user ID is personal. Never give or borrow it to anyone else.
If you would like some other person to manage your daily banking on your behalf, you can grant them access right to your account. The person you authorise can use your account with their own user ID. For instance, they can pay bills from your account. You can grant account access rights by logging into the service or visiting an OP bank branch.
OP's user ID – What should I do if my user ID is lost or stolen?
Never give your user ID to anyone.
If you suspect that your user ID has been obtained by an unauthorised person, immediately deactivate it by calling OP Customer Service. Outside its opening hours, call OP Deactivation Service (24/7). If you call OP Deactivation Service, also contact OP Customer Service during service hours.
What is Mobile key and how can I get it?
Mobile key is an identification method used on OP's mobile apps. It's also an element of your OP user ID. With Mobile key, you can log into OP's digital services or other services that require identification and confirm transactions such as online payments.
To get Mobile key, download the free OP-mobile app to your phone or tablet from an app store (App Store or Google Play). If you have an OP Corporate User ID, download OP Business mobile, too. You can enable Mobile key on two different devices.
To enable a new Mobile key, you'll need your OP user ID (a username, password and key code list) or the Mobile key that you've already enabled on your other device.
Hold on to your username, password and key code list after enabling Mobile key. You'll need them to enable Mobile key again if your device is lost or stolen, for example. And you'll need your username when using Mobile key as an identification method elsewhere than on OP-mobile.
If you don't have OP's user ID and would need Mobile key to confirm online payments you make with an OP card, you can also enable Mobile key with another bank's user ID.
Is Mobile key safe?
Yes. Mobile key meets the new Payment Services Act’s criteria for strong identification.
Mobile key is used in OP’s encrypted network and service. Other apps can’t access it. To use Mobile key, you need a Mobile key PIN, a code that only you know. The Mobile key PIN only works in the device where you have enabled Mobile key.
Don’t reveal your Mobile key PIN to anyone. To ensure safety, you should also protect your device with an access code, fingerprint or face recognition.
How can I change my Mobile key PIN? What should I do if I've forgotten it?
To change your Mobile key PIN, log into OP-mobile or OP Business mobile.
If you have forgotten your Mobile key PIN, remove Mobile key and then enable it again.
I lost my device that has Mobile key in it. What should I do?
Immediately remove the lost device’s Mobile key. Also deactivate your username, password and key code list, if you think an unauthorised person may have obtained them.
You can prevent the use of your user ID and Mobile key in these ways:
- Log into (in Finnish or Swedish for personal customers).
- Call our Customer Service.
- Call OP Deactivation Service (24/7).
- Visit a bank branch.
What is Mobile key confirmation request ID? Why should I check it?
The Mobile key view shows a confirmation request ID. It helps you make sure that you're confirming the right transaction – a transaction you're actually making at the moment. You'll see an ID, such as NN12, when you're logging in or confirming transactions with Mobile key in OP's digital services or other services that require identification. Note that each new confirmation request has a new ID.
How can I check whether I have enabled Mobile key? Where can I get help?
To view and manage your existing Mobile keys, go to the settings of OP-mobile or OP Business mobile, or log into (in Finnish or Swedish for personal customers). You can read more about Mobile key on our website at Our Customer Service is also happy to help you.
How does Mobile key work on a computer?
If you have already enabled Mobile key on OP-mobile, you can use it to identify yourself on (in Finnish or Swedish for private customers). To do so, select Mobile key as your identification method at
See instructions for using Mobile key
If you haven’t used Mobile key yet, download either OP-mobile to your phone or tablet from your app store.
My Mobile key doesn't work. What should I do?
Check that you entered your username correctly in the service where you’re identifying yourself.
The confirmation details are sent based on the username you enter in the service. Username means the user number that you enter when logging in using a key code list. Username is not the same as your Mobile key PIN that you use in OP's mobile apps.
Check that you have enabled Mobile key. Your OP-mobile login screen will then show the option Confirm with Mobile key. If on the login screen you only see the option Log in to OP-mobile, you must first enable Mobile key.
If the confirmation request doesn’t open automatically on your OP-mobile or OP Business mobile, select Confirm with Mobile key. If needed, select Update. Note that the confirmation request is only valid for a limited time. If necessary, start your identification or payment transaction again in the service you're using.
Check the network connection of your mobile device. Check that your device is not in a power save mode. Also check that your device is not using any power save apps that might close background services automatically when you move from one service to another. In these cases, Mobile key confirmation details can't be transferred to the service.
How do I use Mobile key to access an online service or confirm a transaction?
You can use Mobile key to identify yourself when you want to log into OP-mobile, OP Business mobile, the service (in Finnish and Swedish for personal customers) or public authorities’ services, or when you want to confirm your online purchases.
How to identify yourself to access other services than OP's mobile apps:
- If the service asks you to select a bank, select OP.
- Select Mobile key as your identification method.
- Enter your username and select Continue.*
- On your phone or tablet, open OP-Mobile or OP Business mobile. **
- When the confirmation request opens, check that it has the same details as the transaction you’re making.
- Confirm the transaction on your app with your Mobile key PIN. For security reasons, the transaction may require a further confirmation, too. ***
- After you have confirmed the transaction, go back to the service where you started identification or confirming a payment or transaction.
* Username means the user number that you enter when logging in using a key code list. Username is not the same as your Mobile key PIN that you use in OP's mobile apps.
** If the confirmation request doesn't open automatically when you open your app, select Confirm with Mobile key on the app's login screen.
*** Further confirmation means that the transaction details are sent to you in an SMS to the phone number you have set as your phone number for further confirmation. Open the SMS and check carefully that the SMS details are the same as in the transaction that you're making. On the transaction confirmation request that is shown on your app, enter the code you received in the SMS.
Key code list – How can I get a new key code list?
We will automatically send you a new key code list by post when you have 20 key codes left on your current list.
If needed, you can order a new key code list at before this. Log in (in Finnish or Swedish for personal customers). Go to the top right corner, select your name and then Tunnusten hallinta (Manage user ID) – Avainlukulista (Key code list) – Tilaa avainlukulista (Order key code list).
If you suspect that your user ID has been stolen or obtained by an unauthorised person, immediately deactivate it by calling OP Customer Service. Outside its opening hours, call OP Deactivation Service (24/7). If you call OP Deactivation Service, also contact OP Customer Service during service hours. To receive your new user ID, visit any of our bank branches.
Key code list – How can I replace my key code list?
To start using a new key code list, you need to activate it – whether it was automatically sent to you by post or you ordered it in the service or picked it up at a branch. To activate the new key code list in the service, you need your old key code list, which must have at least three pairs of key codes left.
Log into (in Finnish or Swedish for personal customers). At the top right corner, select your name and then Tunnusten hallinta (Manage user ID) > Avainlukulista (Key code list) > Vaihda avainlukulista (Replace key code list).
Further confirmation phone number – What is further confirmation? How does it work?
Further confirmation is a security feature that provides protection against misuse of OP's user IDs and cybercrime. Further confirmation phone number is a phone number linked to your user ID. When necessary, we'll send transaction details via SMS to this number for you to check.
When you receive a further confirmation SMS, always read it carefully. If the SMS details are the same as in the transaction you're making, you can confirm the transaction. If the SMS has different details than the transaction you're making, don't confirm the transaction. We send further confirmation SMSes from the number +35840 7118180, and they are signed by OP.
If you get a further confirmation SMS but you're not making any transactions with your user ID at the moment, or if the SMS details aren't the same as in the transaction you're making, prevent the use of your user ID. To do so, contact OP Customer Service or OP Deactivation Service (24/7).
Further confirmation phone number – I have a new phone number. How can I update my further confirmation phone number?
If your phone number has changed, please contact OP Customer Service or visit an OP cooperative bank branch. Note that when using our branch services, you need to have a valid personal ID document that is accepted for banking.
Further confirmation phone number – I received a further confirmation SMS by mistake. I don't have OP's user ID or the phone number isn't linked to my user ID. What should I do?
First make sure that a friend or family member hasn't accidentally added your number to their user ID. If necessary, contact OP Customer Service.
Further confirmation phone number – I don't have a further confirmation phone number. What should I do?
How you can add a phone number for further confirmation:
- Log into (in Finnish or Swedish for personal customers).
- If you can't log into because you don't have a further confirmation phone number, the login process will ask you to enter the phone number you want to add.
- If you can log in without getting the phone number request, add your further confirmation phone number as follows: Go to the top right corner, select your name and then Tunnusten hallinta (Manage user ID) – Tarkista lisävahvistusnumero (Check further confirmation phone number).
Note that the further confirmation phone number is personal, and it can only be linked to one customer's user ID. However, if you have an OP Corporate User ID and a personal customer's user ID, you can add the same further confirmation phone number for both user IDs. You need to separately add the number to each user ID.
Read more about further confirmation
Mobile key – Enabling Mobile key, option "Use second device"
You can use Mobile key on two devices. You can enable Mobile key on your second device with the Mobile key that you're already using. In such a case, when enabling Mobile key, select "Use second device".
You'll need your OP user ID, and the phone number for further confirmation must be linked to your user ID. Your devices will be connected through a Bluetooth connection, and you must allow use of the camera to scan the QR code.
Download OP-mobile or OP Business mobile to the new device, depending on with which you're already using Mobile key.
Start the process on your new device by selecting "Use second device"
If the option "Use second device" is not available, check that the version of OP-mobile or OP Business mobile on the new device is 59.0. This version should also be in use on the old device.
The new device will ask for your OP user ID and permission to connect to the other device that already has Mobile key.
If needed, you can check your username on OP-mobile or OP Business mobile using the device on which Mobile key is already enabled.
Carefully follow the device's instructions.
If the process is interrupted, you must start it again.
Mobile key – I can't enable it with my other device. What should I do?
- Check that your both devices have the latest version of OP-mobile / OP Business mobile. You need the updated app version on both your new device (where you're about to enable Mobile key) and on your old device (where Mobile key is enabled).
- If you have Android devices, they may have been paired. This may prevent finding the device. If needed, cancel pairing before you enable Mobile key:
Close OP-mobile or OP Business mobile on both devices.
Cancel the pairing of the devices in the devices’ Bluetooth settings.
On your old device, turn the airplane mode on for a while and then off.
If needed, turn on Bluetooth on your old device.
Start enabling Mobile key again on OP-mobile or OP Business mobile.
Make sure that you have started the enabling process on both devices. Check that both devices are showing the text Finding the other device.
Keep your two devices close to each other throughout the process.
Make sure you enter your username correctly on both devices.
If the process is interrupted, always start enabling again from the beginning, on both devices.
Key code list -Why is the updated key code list so large?
OP's user ID – What should I do if I forgot my username or password?
If you use Mobile key, you can look up your username on OP's mobile app (Customer info – Settings). If you can't look up your username or have forgotten your password, replace your user ID.
If you have user identifiers issued by some other Finnish bank, you can use them to replace your OP user ID on the service. Otherwise, you can get a new user ID from any OP cooperative bank branch.