Tutkimussäätiön teemapäivä 2023 EEro Mäkynen

OP Research Foundation theme day 2023: Role of companies during disruptions in society

In early May, OP Research Foundation hosted an event for grant recipients. Some twenty recipients of the foundation's grants attended the event.

31 January 2023

OP Research Foundation's theme day on 26 January 2023 discussed the role of companies in preparing for contingencies in society. The day started with violinist Rebecca Roozeman and cellist Artturi Aalto delighting the audience with a performance of Zoltán Kodály's Duo for Violin and Cello.

OP Art Foundation's historical and valuable instruments were used in the performance. Photo: Aleksi Humalainen.

Timo Ritakallio, President and Group CEO of OP Financial Group, reminded in his opening speech that Finland and the world are facing enormous changes. Photo: Aleksi Humalainen.

TThe theme day was opened by President and Group CEO of OP Financial Group Timo Ritakallio with a speech on the state of the world and current challenges. Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä gave a speech titled "When the new normal never came", and Research Professor Paula Kivimaa from the Finnish Environment Institute SYKE continued with a presentation titled "Energy, the environment and security in a changing world".

Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä said that the most important issue for businesses is predictability. Photo: Aleksi Humalainen.

"Climate safety is a key factor in the continuity management of societies and businesses," said Paula Kivimaa, Research Professor at the Finnish Environmental Institute SYKE and Member of the Finnish Climate Panel. . Photo: Aleksi Humalainen.

Chair of the Research Foundation's Board of Directors Annukka Nikola gave the traditional doctoral thesis award to Eero Mäkynen from the University of Turku for his dissertation titled "Essays on Firm Dynamics", which the jury had selected as the year's best doctoral dissertation. The dissertation explores factors that affect aggregate productivity. According to the jury, the dissertation by Mäkynen is of extremely high quality, even at the international level.

Chair of the Foundation's Board Annukka Nikola presented flowers to doctoral thesis award recipient Eero Mäkynen. Photo: Aleksi Humalainen

The theme day was concluded by a panel discussion moderated by Katja Keitaanniemi, CEO of OP Corporate Bank plc. The theme of the discussion as "Ensuring continuity and social responsibility as the new guiding economic principles." The panel discussion was participated by CEO of Valio Annikka Hurme, CEO of Elisa Veli-Matti Mattila, CEO of Fingrid Jukka Ruusunen and CEO of the National Emergency Supply Agency Janne Känkänen.

The panellists discussed how different sectors prepare for contingencies.
Photo: Aleksi Humalainen.

The theme day was presented by OP Financial Group's Chief Communications Officer Anni Hiekkanen.