Contact information of OP Financial Group’s management

Phone numbers and email addresses of OP Financial Group’s senior management

Senior management

All emails addresses are in the format:

Area of responsibility


Phone number

Banking Private and SME Customers                                                   

Harri Nummela

010 252 2389

Banking Corporate and Institutional Customers

Katja Keitaanniemi

010 252 1387

Insurance Customers   

Vesa Aho

010 252 6101

Development & technologies

Kasimir Hirn

010 252 3047

Finance and Group Treasury

Mikko Timonen

010 252 1325

Legal Services and Compliance

Rami Kinnala

010 252 2669


Hannakaisa Länsisalmi

010 252 4360

Risk Management

Markku Pehkonen

010 252 4116

Internal auditing

Sakari Lehtinen

010 252 2965

Wealth Management

Hanna Porkka

010 252 4845

Call charge: local/mobile network rate (lnr/mnr). Queuing is also subject to a charge.