Authorisation by power of attorney
In certain cases, it may be necessary to authorise another person to manage a company’s insurance and claims matters. Depending on the situation, you can authorise a person of your choice to manage a company’s insurance matters with one of the following powers of attorney.
• Power of attorney for the management of insurance policies and claims
Power of attorney for the management of a company's insurance policies and claims
With power of attorney, a company can authorise a person to manage its insurance policies and/or claims. The policyholder may issue such an authorisation to manage insurance matters and claims. However, the authorised representative cannot provide a health declaration required for personal insurance or issue a beneficiary clause on another person’s behalf. A power of attorney for managing claims may be issued if the company is the claimant. In personal insurance policies, the insured person or the injured person can be a claimant.
The company may authorise another person to manage a specific claim or several claims and to obtain the required information that is otherwise kept confidential. Please note that within the scope of the power of attorney, the authorisation provides the authorised representative with the same rights to manage matters concerning policies and claims as the policyholder.
The power of attorney does not grant the right to conduct transactions on OP's digital services, which are subject to a separate power of attorney. All items of the power of attorney must be filled in and duly dated and signed. The signatures must comply with the company/association's clauses regarding authorised signatories. If the form is filled in incompletely, it cannot be approved. The power of attorney can be cancelled by notifying Pohjola Insurance of the matter.
Submit the completed and signed power of attorney as either an attached scan in the service or by mailing it for free to:
Pohjola Insurance Ltd
Code 5010454
How to activate the service
- Go online and sign the Digital Agreement for Companies. (The agreement can be signed electronically by a person authorised to sign for the company.)
- Designate your company's administrator users and their authorisations. The administrator receives a message at once their authorisation is enabled.
- The administrator can assign other users and grant them access rights to the insurance services they need.