Kampaaja hymyilee edessään istuvalle asiakkaalle tietäen, että henkilökeskeytysvakuutus turvaa hänen yrityksensä toimintaa.

Insurance for business interruption due to disability

Ensure business continuity if your company’s key employee falls ill or is injured.

​For sudden illnesses and accidents

By taking out insurance for business interruption due to disability, you ensure that you can pay the cost of hiring a stand-in if your business is in danger of being suddenly interrupted because of a key employee’s illness or accident.

​Ensure business continuity

Ensure business continuity and customer care even in challenging situations by taking out comprehensive insurance for business interruption due to disability. The insurance covers financial losses caused by an interruption or decrease of business.

Comprehensive insurance for a new or experienced entrepreneur

There is always a risk that your business will be interrupted by long employee absences. Insurance for business interruption due to disability will give you comprehensive cover for all your company’s life cycle stages.

Secure your company’s business operations if a key employee falls ill, or an accident occurs

Your company may have key employees whose illness or injury could interrupt your business.

Insurance for business interruption due to disability helps you prepare for a situation where your company’s business is interrupted due to the disability of a key employee resulting from an illness or accident. The insurance covers the financial losses caused by the interruption or decrease of business, such as the cost of hiring a stand-in.

Insurance for business interruption due to disability covers: 

  • The company’s lost business earnings up to the maximum amount of compensation, including overtime hours, temporary resources and purchased services
  • The costs of hiring a replacement for a key employee for up to 12 months.

Insurance for business interruption due to disability does not require any health declarations to be completed. Instead, illnesses and injuries are compensated according to the insurance terms and conditions.

Comprehensive business interruption cover, regardless of company size

Insurance for business interruption due to disability covers your company, regardless of its size. The insurance can be used to provide cover for one or more key employees of your company, which is why it suits companies of all sizes.

Whether you’re a fresh or more experienced entrepreneur, the earnings of your company can strongly rely on the work of its key employees. Insurance for business interruption due to disability is an excellent business interruption cover for self-employed persons and larger companies alike, as it allows you to make sure that an illness or accident cannot endanger the continuity of the entire company’s business. 
Insurance for business interruption due to disability is one of our business interruption insurance policies.

If you want to cover losses caused by interruptions in your business even more extensively, learn more about our other business interruption insurance policies!

Example of a potential situation

The extended absence of a key employee

In the past year, an IT company invested in a new system, but the person responsible for maintaining the system suddenly has to take a long period of sick leave. The company is now in a situation where its expensive investment will go to waste if the company can’t hire a stand-in. The compensation provided by the insurance for business interruption due to disability can be used to cover the cost of hiring a stand-in.

How it works

  1. Request an offer

    Enter your contact details in the form and we’ll contact you.
  3. Our specialist’s proposal

    We’ll chart your company’s risks with you and tailor insurance cover that suits those risks.
  5. You’ll decide how to proceed

    Our offer is not binding on you. Take your time to read it and make your decision.

How is the price of insurance for business interruption due to disability determined?

The price of insurance for business interruption due to disability depends on, for example:

  • The selected amount of compensation
  • Insurance coverage, as in whether the insurance is a health and accident insurance policy or only an accident insurance policy
  • The number of persons insured.

Our experts at Pohjola Insurance have an extensive understanding of the sector and can provide more information about the content and price of insurance for business interruption due to disability and available additional cover. Request an offer for your company!

Kaksi miestä puhuvat aiheesta keskeytysvakuutus.
Business interruption insurance
Secure the continuity of your company’s business and also prepare for additional expenses in exceptional circumstances.
Nainen selaa kannettavalla tietokoneellaan tietoja tilanteista, joissa vastuuvakuutus on hyödyksi.
Liability insurance
Business liability insurance covers your company in case of indemnification liabilities.
Nainen hymyilee sillä yrittäjän vakuutukset ovat kunnossa.
Entrepreneur’s insurance
By combining insurance and health and work ability promoting services you will get the right insurance cover for yourself and your employees.
The insurer is Pohjola Insurance. The losses will be covered in accordance with the law and the insurance terms and conditions.