The statement of fees is a summary of the most common service fees related to your current account we have charged you the previous year, as well as interest amounts. The statement gives a concise and clear picture of all service fees charged during the year. Please note that a statement of fees is not generated if no service fees have been charged from your current account in 2024.
You can find the statement of fees on My archive on the service and OP-mobile
To go to My archive, log in to the service by using either OP's or another bank's ID. In the service, first select your name and then My archive from the menu that opens.
You can only log in to OP-mobile with OP's user ID. To access My archive, choose Other - My profile - My archive.
If you do not have a Finnish bank's user ID, you can order a statement of fees free of charge by calling our Customer Service at 0100 0500 (Mon–Fri 8–16, local/mobile network rate) or by visiting an OP cooperative bank branch.
How does the bank charge its service fees?
Service fees are debited monthly from your account. If you are an OP cooperative bank owner-customer, the OP bonuses you have earned will normally be used to pay service fees and charges.
Did you know that as an OP cooperative bank owner-customer, you get 40% more OP bonuses in 2025 than normal? In addition, owner-customers will not be charged any service fees for accounts and cards this year.
To check whether you are an owner-customer and see your current OP bonuses, log in to the service or OP-mobile. If you do not have an OP user ID, you can contact our Customer Service.