Kalusto-, laite- ja konerahoitus

Equipment and machine financing

Versatile and flexible financing solutions for your company’s purchases.

Get machinery and equipment for your company conveniently with a hire purchase or leasing agreement. All our financing solutions are suited for purchasing or leasing both new and used equipment.

Equipment and machinery financing – compare options

When it becomes necessary to buy or lease machinery or equipment, we have the right solution for your business. The purchased or leased item always serves as the collateral, and no separate collateral is needed. Monthly payments are predictable and easy to manage. Arranging financing is easy through the vendor at the time of closing the deal, at the OP cooperative bank nearest to you or directly from our financing experts at local level.

Investment financing


Buy transport equipment as hire purchase with suitable monthly instalments.

  • An asset in your company’s balance sheet – you can apply standard depreciations and deduct the item’s value added tax at the time of delivery

  • At the end of the contract, the item is transferred to your company’s ownership

  • Opportunity to use investment subsidies.

Learn more about investment financing
Vehicle financing for businesses


Vehicle financing solutions for all your business needs.

  • Financing options that meet your needs

  • Choose from convenient leasing and hire purchase options 

  • Easily anticipate your company’s vehicle expenses.

Learn more about vehicle financing
Finance lease


Lease transport equipment with a suitable monthly instalment.

  • The leased item is an asset in the financier’s balance sheet, and the lease payments are tax deductible expenses

  • At the end of the lease period, you can continue the lease, purchase the asset or find a buyer for it

  • Possibility of a flexible credit limit for continuous lease contracts.

Learn more about finance lease

Small appliance financing – one-off credit with no collateral 


Small appliance financing provides easy and affordable financing for your company’s registered and unregistered machinery, equipment, tools, spare parts and supplies, as well as maintenance and repairs. In small appliance financing, ownership of the item is transferred to your company immediately without any down payment. Repayment is flexible, and you can also repay the financing in full at any time.

Apply for financing directly from our retail partners.




Contact our experts to discuss your situation with us. Let us help you plan a financing solution that supports your company’s growth!

Get more information about financing


I have access to investment or lease financing – where can I see my financing information?


If you have access to investment or lease financing, you can see your financing information on OP's online financing service (in Finnish). You can log into the service with your personal online banking user identifiers issued by any Finnish bank or with a Mobile ID.

Go to OP:s online financing service