
Investment financing

Hire purchase finance for investment in your company's moveable capital assets.

Investment financing is hire purchase financing for corporate customers. The most common assets in investment financing include transport equipment, working machines, agricultural and forest machines as well as manufacturing machines and equipment. Your company can use hire purchase to finance the purchase of both new and used assets. Your company can also buy on investment financing machinery and equipment purchased from abroad.

When your company needs to purchase machinery or equipment, investment financing facilitates procurement and cash management and does not tie other collateral as the financed asset serves as collateral for the credit.

As the main rule, the financed amount accounts for 70‒80% of the purchase price Your company can also make use of our supplementary services that may be included in hire purchase, such as interest rate cap or the corporate loan payment protection insurance.

Learn more about our corporate loan payment protection insurance 

Benefits for your company: 

  • The main collateral is the asset to be financed, in which case your company can save real collateral for other purposes.
  • For accounting purposes, your company receives title to the asset, i.e. as a rule of thumb you can deduct the asset's value added tax included in the asset's price in the VAT calculation.
  • You can perform standard depreciation on the asset. For accounting purposes, depreciated assets and paid interest represent your company's deductible expenses.
  • Your company can make us of the cashpaying customer's benefits.

Getting an investment financing deal is easy. You only need to decide on the fixed asset and agree on the terms of the purchase with the seller. Financing is simple because we cooperate with all major importers, distributors and manufacturers. We have made the application for hire purchase financing as easy as possible for your company.

In need of financing, do the following: 

  1. Choose the asset and agree on the terms of purchase with the seller.
  1. Ask the seller to fill in a financing application or you can directly contact your local cooperative bank or your contact person at OP.
  1. Hyväksytyn päätöksen saatuasi allekirjoita sopimuspaperit. 
  1. After delivery of the financed object, will pay the financed part to the seller. 
  1. You will receive the bill by post once we have financed the agreement. You can also adopt e-invoicing.

Investment financing facility limit

Investment financing facility limit offers your company a flexible and tailored solution for financing recurring machinery and equipment investments according to your needs. Financing process is significantly faster and all the financing terms are already agreed even before your investment process starts.

Vendor financing

OP provides your company with the opportunity to offer financing for vehicle, machinery, device, home, leisure and health care purchases. With our help, your company always has access to a designated contact person, and we also offer training for the use of online services and the sale of financing products. Our financing solutions help increase your sales and improve your company's competitiveness.

Read more about vendor financing

I have access to investment financing – where can I see my financing information

If you have access to investment financing, you can see your financing information on OP's online financing service (in Finnish). You can log into the service with your personal online banking user identifiers issued by any Finnish bank or with a Mobile ID.

Go to OP's online financing service