Corporate financing

Reliable financing solutions tailored to your company – today and tomorrow.

Reliable experts at your service

Let OP's experts help you. We take a holistic approach to your business and provide your with proper solutions. If necessary, we will give advice on and help in arranging collateral for financing.

Financing for all situations

Whether you need finance for seasonal fluctuations, new tools or flexibility to your company's account, we can offer financing solutions suitable for your situation.

Apply for corporate financing online

You can apply for financing easily on our online service. This is the fastest way to apply for financing. Filling in an application does not commit you to accepting any financing granted. Our experts will contact you within a few banking days after receiving your application.

Easy-to-use online service

As our customer, an easy-to-use online service is available to you, where you can make, for example, withdrawal requests for financing.

We can tailor a solution meeting your company's needs:



as working capital

An entrepreneur working as a consultant needed financing to manage irregular expenses. An account with credit facility was ideal for daily cash management.



for updating equipments

To update equipments, the farmer-entrepreneur took out a €30,000 loan to be paid back in 5 years. 

Tourism company


for managing seasonal fluctuation

Seasonal fluctuation meant short-term cash deficit for a tourism company. A credit facility was suitable for repeated, short-term financing needs.

Credit always available whenever the need arises

OP Revolving Credit Facility is a single-payment loan with which your company can balance out seasonal fluctuations or finance projects. Withdrawing the revolving credit facility does not require signing separate loan agreements when an agreement of the limit has been concluded. You can conveniently withdraw the credit on the online service.

The revolving credit facility is taken out for a maximum of 12 months and is paid off at maturity.

Flexibility to your company's cash

A corporate account with credit facility makes daily cash management easier and brings flexibility in the case of unexpected expenses. The account is a payment transaction account to which you can link all payment services and cards that your company needs. You can use the credit facility of the corporate account as an ordinary credit card – you do not need to make any separate withdrawal requests.

Corporate loan according to your needs

With a corporate loan you can finance your company's investments, purchases of tools and business expansion. We will tailor the loan term and repayments to your company's needs. This is how you can ensure that your purchases requiring financing does not burden your business too much, and you can allocate the related costs over several years, if necessary.

Unsecured revolving credit facility for your company's needs

When your company is in need of working capital, apply for unsecured revolving OP Flexible Capital. You can apply for a facility of 5000–50 000 euros. You can apply for OP Flexible Capital if your company has been in business for at least one accounting period, has its accounts with OP, is not late in making any credit repayments to OP and has no registered payment defaults. You will not need any guarantors or collateral for the credit.


  Corporate loan OP Revolving Credit Facility  
Purpose of use Suitable for long-term investments Suitable for financing short-term investments and seasonal fluctuations  
Finance type Term loan Revolving credit facility  
Loan term Loan term according to needs, typically 3–7 years Loan term for credit withdrawn from the limit
1–12 months
Cost of credit Euribor + customer margin, origination fee Reference interest rate + customer margin, withdrawal fee  
Interest rate adjustment The reference interest rate is reviewed on the interest adjustment date The credit interest rate is fixed throughout the loan term, so the cost of credit is known in advance  
  Corporate account with credit facility OP Flexible Capital  
Purpose of use Suitable for daily cash management and small capital needs Suitable for an SME's working capital needs  
Finance type Revolving credit facility Revolving credit facility  
Loan term Payments into the account automatically reduce the credit facility used Credit repayments increase the amount of credit available for drawdown  
Cost of credit Euribor + customer margin, limit commission Euribor + customer margin, arrangement fee  
Interest rate adjustment The reference interest rate is reviewed on a daily basis The reference interest rate is reviewed on the interest rate adjustment date  


How to apply for corporate financing

To get the financing decision faster, please take these documents to the financing negotiation:

  • latest official financial statements and an accounting run of the current financial year if more than six months have passed since the last financial statements,
  • plan for the use of funding,
  • the company’s business plan, cash flow statement and profit budget would also be useful when processing the application.