Sustainable financing solutions for businesses

Now is the time to reduce your environmental impact.

We support our corporate customers in the transition to a sustainable economy

Our sustainable finance services for corporate customers offer solutions and advice on questions related to sustainability. Sustainable financing plays a key role in the promotion of sustainable development. Our service offering supports sustainable business and investment for corporate customers.


Sustainable financing for SMEs, private traders, and housing companies

For what kinds of projects can you get financing?

The importance of sustainability is growing for SMEs, private traders, and housing companies. Our sustainable finance solutions are ideal if your business or housing company are planning to invest in:

  • renovation and modernisation projects that will improve energy efficiency
  • energy-efficient new construction
  • the use of renewable energy sources
  • the utilisation of waste heat (for example, exhaust air heat pump purchases or industrial-scale investments)
  • energy storage
  • low emissions
  • circular economy
  • infrastructure for low emissions transport (such as installation of electric vehicle charging stations and related electrical work)
  • organic farming or drainage of agricultural land.

How can you finance your sustainable investment?

You can finance your sustainable project by applying for our green loan or by using our EIF guarantee, for example. We assess all projects on a case-by-case basis, helping you to choose the best option based on the purpose of your investment and your company’s business model.

Green loan

  • A green loan can be granted for green investments that enable businesses to reduce their environmental impact.
  • You can use a project with a strong sustainability profile in your stakeholder communication and reputation building.
  • You can get a green loan at a lower cost than a regular loan.

Read more about green loans

EIF guarantee

  • Granted on the basis of a green business model or for a green investment.
  • An EIF guarantee will serve as collateral for your loan, reducing your need for other collateral. It can cover up to 70 per cent of your loan.
  • You will get financing at lower cost since an EIF guarantee reduces the bank’s risk.

Read more about EIF guarantees



53 %

of large companies intend to change their suppliers or subcontractors in the near future, due to sustainability targets. (Source: OP's Survey of Large Corporations 2024)


The European Investment Fund (EIF) guarantees we provide are part of the InvestEU programme. The financing solutions we provide benefit from support from the InvestEU Fund.

Financing is granted by OP cooperative banks and OP Corporate Bank plc.