Insurance for the construction industry

Construction firms are engaged in many kinds of business involving different stages of construction. The requirements of the industry are strict, and construction firms need several types of insurance for their business, employees and machinery. At Pohjola Insurance, we will help you choose the most important insurance for your construction industry business. From Pohjola, you also get comprehensive insurance for yourself against illness and accidents, as well as insurance for your business and employees. 

Especially important insurance for the construction industry is business liability insurance, which protects the company in the event of loss or damage during construction, for example. The company’s most important investments, machinery and equipment should be insured to ensure the continuity of operations. Typically, the most important asset of any construction firm is the employees, which is why comprehensive personal insurance helps ensure wellbeing at work and business continuity.  

Our experts can tailor an insurance solution that meets the needs of your company. This page contains more information about insurance for the construction industry.



Are you starting out in the construction industry, or do you want to learn more about insurance for your industry?

The articles below contain more information about insurance for the construction industry and risks and extensive examples of different loss events. Be sure to also read the case example on how you can prevent long sick leaves among your employees.

Check out our insurance for the construction industry


We put together a convenient list of useful types of insurance for construction firms. Browse at your leisure and leave a contact request! We understand what insurance construction business owners need to feel secure and work worry-free – let our experts assist you!

Mies on palaverissa ja hymyilee tietäen, että hänellä on turvanaan uuden yrittäjän vakuutuspaketti eli Yritysykkönen.
Special Corporate Insurance
Insurance package to protect your company’s movable property and operations. Special Corporate Insurance also covers sudden breakage losses.
Nainen hymyilee, koska yel-vakuutus turvaa eläkkeen.
Self-employed persons’ statutory pension insurance YEL
YEL provides coverage for self-employed persons’ pension and social security.
” ”
Installation and construction all-risk insurance for contractors
A single insurance solution with comprehensive coverage for builders and contractors
Nainen hymyilee turvanaan yrittäjän sairausvakuutus.
Entrepreneurs’ health insurance
Covers entrepreneurs against illness and injury
Mies kypärä päässä nousemassa keltaiseen työkoneeseen, joka on vakuutettu työkonevakuutuksella.
Working machine insurance
Cover your company's working machines and their accessories.
Nainen istuu kahvilan terassilla huolettomasti Terveysturva turvanaan.
Health Insurance
With medical expenses insurance, you secure high-quality treatment and an efficient clinical pathway for your personnel, and also shorten absence due to illness.

Request an offer on insurance for the construction industry

Our experts can help you find the most suitable insurance for your construction business. Leave a request for an offer to get a quote on the business insurance you need!

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