Report on returns and costs of investment products and services

The report will be sent to those OP’s saver and investor customers who have owned investment products or used securities brokerage or custody services in the previous year. The report will not require any action on the part of customers.

Customers will receive the report in the archive of the service and OP-mobile. The report will also be delivered to some of OP cooperative bank customers and, at the customer's request, by letter. The report will be delivered to some of OP Corporate Bank plc's customers by email.

The report is based on the banks’ information obligation under the European Union’s Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II), and covers practically all investment products, except saving through insurance. The returns and costs of saving through insurance will be reported separately until further notice.

Returns and costs summarised and itemised

The report shows the total returns and costs of all products and services, with costs divided into service charges and product charges. For personal customers, the charges covered by OP bonuses are also included. Service and product costs are specified by product category, many of which have also been broken down further into products.

Report covers the previous year

The report shows the returns generated for the previous year, which may be negative as well. Investing is a long-range activity and returns vary each year, and the report does not indicate how investments have performed during the entire holding period. You can conveniently monitor your investments’ short-term and longer-term performance on the service under Savings and Investments (in Finnish for personal customers under Säästöt ja sijoitukset) and on OP-mobile under Investments tab.

How to read the report

When reading the report, we recommend that you take a look at the report's instructions, the glossary found in the end of the report and the instructions for readers which provides a more detailed description of the principles of the report and goes through what each figure in the report means. You can access the instructions for readers from the link below.

Other documents about costs

Product- and service-specific costs are described in detail in each product’s Key Investor Information Document or list of service charges and fees. You can also get additional information on costs in the Effect of Costs on Investment Returns document, which shows through examples charges and fees related to investment products and services. See below for a link to the document.