Apply for or order a new payment card

Do you need a new debit or credit card? Compare the features of payment cards, select the card that suits you best and fill in the application.

Would you like to order a new payment card? Compare and select

Compare the features of different payment cards and select the card that best suits your needs. If you already have an OP payment card, you can easily upgrade it to a more versatile debit or credit card. You can also add K-Plussa to your card and change the card’s design. 
You will receive the new payment card within 1–2 weeks from the order date. 


Debit card and credit card in the same package – flexibility and secure payment 

OP Classic is a reliable basic card. You will pay with it for your purchases securely in daily life, abroad and online. According to your needs and repayment capacity, can apply for credit from 2,000 up to 20,000 euros. Learn more and apply for OP Classic

OP Gold is an easy choice that brings benefits. It includes, for example, two free visits a year to an airport lounge, comprehensive travel insurance and insurance cover for event tickets. According to your needs and repayment capacity, the credit limit is from 2,000 up to 20,000 euros.. Learn more and apply for OP Gold

OP Platinum is the royalty of credit cards. Its additional services give you comprehensive cover and save time. According to your needs and repayment capacity, you can get credit from 2,000 up to 20,000 euros.Learn more and apply for OP Platinum

OP Classic for students. f you are a student at a higher education institution or university, you can get an OP Classic card with a credit limit of 2,000 euros without ECTS credit requirements. Learn more and apply for OP Classic for students


Payment cards without credit facility

OP Debit is a debit card with which you can also pay abroad and online. It is a particularly suitable card, for example, for a person over 15 years of age. Learn more and apply for OP Debit

OP Basic is suitable as a first card for children aged 7 years and up. You can pay for your purchases in Finland, abroad and online. It is not possible to apply for this card online. How to apply for a card for your child


Credit card – a smart choice as a second card 

OP Duo is a smart credit card for online purchases and as a second card. It’s an excellent card for daily life and travel in Finland and abroad. According to your needs and repayment capacity, you can get credit from 2,000 up to 20,000 euros. Learn more and apply for OP Duo

Would you like to order a new card to replace your old one?

You can order yourself a new card to replace a damaged debit card or credit card by logging into the service. At the same time, you should consider whether you need a card that is more versatile and compare between different options. 

If your card does not have the K Plussa feature yet, add it when ordering the new card. This way, ordering a new card is free of charge. Otherwise, we will charge a fee based on our list of service charges and fees for renewing the card.
How to order a new card: 

  1. Under Omat kortit (My cards), select the card that was damaged. 
  2. See Uuden kortin tilaaminen (Ordering a new card) under the card Asetukset ja tiedot (Settings and details) and Tilaa uusi kortti rikkoutuneen tilalle (Order a new card to replace a damaged one). 
  3. Fill in the form.
  4. Done! Your card will be delivered to your home or the branch of your choice according to the delivery method you selected. Your card’s PIN code will remain the same.


You can also renew your card by contacting our customer service by a message on OP-mobile or on the service, chat or phone.

If your card looks undamaged but does not work, check the card’s security limits and adjust them, if necessary.

Log into the service

When your card expires, you will automatically receive a new card

The expiry date is shown on the front of your card below the card number, in format mm/yy. 
Your expiring card will be automatically replaced with a new card. You will not have to order the new card yourself. 
It is, however, advisable to consider whether you would like to have a more versatile debit card or credit card. Compare between options and upgrade your card whenever needed. When you receive your new card, remember to cancel and discard the old unnecessary card, so that you don’t needlessly pay for two cards. 

Compare cards and order a new card

Add the K-Plussa feature to your card free of charge

Reduce the number of cards in your wallet by adding K-Plussa to your OP card. At the same time, you can select a new colour for your card free of charge. Once you have added the Plussa feature to your payment card, you’ll benefit from all K-Plussa benefits. 

Add the K-Plussa feature to your card by logging into the service:

  1. Log into and select Omat kortit (My cards). If you use OP-mobile, you’ll find your cards under Money.  
  2. Select the card to which you want to add the Plussa feature.  
  3. In the card settings, select Link K-Plussa (Liitä K-Plussa). Settings on OP-mobile can be found at the top of the settings symbol.  
  4. Add your personal K-Plussa number. When you choose card delivery to your home, it is the quickest way to get the card.  
  5. Done! Your card will arrive within 1–2 weeks.  

Log into the service


The card is granted by OP Retail Customers Plc.

How to start using your new card?
Four easy steps how to start using a new card. Read more!
Henkilö tekee luottorajan korotushakemusta puhelimella OP-mobiilissa.
How to change your credit card limit yourself
You can increase the credit limit easily and free of charge in the service or on OP-mobile.
What is a credit card?