
Background check requirements for external workforce

Background checks are performed for external temporary labour and persons working under a service production assignment if the person has access rights to OP Financial Group's premises or permissions to OP Financial Group's systems. Management consultants are also subject to background checks if their work at OP Financial Group involves information classified as critical.

Background checks performed for external workforce are identical in content to background checks carried out by OP for its own personnel.

The following background checks are required for external workforce at OP Financial Group:

  • Drug screening test (if testing is possible under the national legislation applicable to the employment contract)
  • Credit history check 
  • Identity verification
  • Verification of the right to work in Finland for international workers
  • Screening of conflicts of interest and corporate connections (only applies to external temporary labour)
  • Security clearance, if required by the position. Replaced by the corresponding criminal record permitted by national legislation in countries other than Finland. See below for more information about security clearances. 

In addition to the above, we require that the person has signed a non-disclosure agreement with the supplier. If necessary, OP has the right to require a separate personal and task-specific non-disclosure agreement.

Security clearances (Security Clearance Act 726/2014)

Tasks subject to a security clearance are identified when a project is specified and the job descriptions and agreement are prepared. The representatives of the business division, procurement and supplier are responsible for identifying tasks subject to a security clearance. OP is responsible for carrying out security clearances (excluding criminal records in countries other than Finland).

The security clearance process may take several weeks, and the person concerned may start in the position during the process on a provisional basis.

Supplier's responsibilities:

  • Responsible for ensuring that background checks compliant with OP's instructions have been performed for persons working for OP.
  • Responsible for obtaining the criminal records of non-Finnish workers if required by the task.
  • Responsible for ensuring that background check are performed in accordance with the law. Background checks must be performed for all applicable persons, regardless of nationality or country of employment. Local legislation specifies what background checks can be performed and when.  
  • Responsible for informing the persons considered for an assignment of the background checks by mentioning the checks in the job listing, for example. 
  • Responsible for ensuring that the supplier has a process in place for performing background checks and that the supplier can provide proof of completed background checks and their date of completion upon request. 
  • The supplier must notify OP's contact person immediately if anything unusual arises in the background checks. 

Situations in which background checks are performed:

  • Background checks must be performed in connection with each new agreement or assignment at the latest.
  • Background checks must be conducted again if there is an interruption of six (6) months, or longer, in the employment agreement between the person working for OP and the supplier.

If the supplier or a person selected for the assignment refuses the background checks, the agreement or assignment cannot be signed or begun.