Mobile payment

Make your everyday life easier and start using OP’s mobile payment services for free.

What is mobile payment?

Mobile payment means paying with a smart device, such as a smartphone or smartwatch, in different everyday situations. Examples of mobile payment include:

  • Paying by smartphone or smartwatch at, say, a store checkout or in a restaurant.
  • Paying by smartphone in online stores and apps.
  • Transferring money from one person to another by using a phone number.

Mobile payment is quick and easy

  • You can easily pay for your purchases at a store with your smartphone or smartwatch, even if you left your wallet at home or your card isn’t nearby. You can also use your device for contactless pay, even for purchases over 50 euros, without entering the card’s PIN in a payment reader.
  • Mobile payment makes payments easier in online stores and apps too. When you pay for your purchases using your smart device, you don’t need to dig up, say, your OP user ID or payment card details.
  • Transferring money to another person will be much easier because you only need the other person’s phone number instead of their account number. Money moves from one account to another at best in real time.

Mobile payment is secure and reliable

  • You can transfer money from one person to another within the daily and yearly payment limits. These include a card’s, an account’s or a mobile app’s spending/withdrawal limits.
  • When paying online, you don’t need to give your payment card details or personal ID code to the online store.
  • At a store checkout, you don’t need to touch the card reader or handle cash as you can pay for your purchases hygienically with a mobile payment app. And since you don’t need your card’s PIN code either, no one can steal a look at it.
  • Depending on your device, you will confirm payments using face recognition, your fingerprint or PIN.

What if I lose my smartphone or smartwatch?

Immediately call OP Deactivation service at +358 (0)100 0555 (24/7). Call charge: the charge for normal local calls (local network charge) or domestic mobile call charge (mobile charge) as specified in your telephone service provider's price list.


Apple Pay is provided by Apple. Google Pay is a trademark of Google LLC. Samsung Pay is provided by Samsung. Garmin and the Garmin logo are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries and are registered in one or more countries, including the U.S. Garmin Pay is a trademark of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. The Siirto service is enabled by Automatia and the Siirto payment is provided by OP Retail Customers plc. Cards are issued by OP Retail Customers plc.