Corporate services - Directory
Growth and development
Starting a business and tips for entrepreneurship
When you think of starting a business, these materials help you.
OP Light Entrepreneurship service
Light entrepreneurship is an easy way to start out as an entrepreneur and invoice customers. OP Light Entrepreneurship is a great choice if you prefer to focus on your core business and leave the paperwork to the OP Light Entrepreneurship service. Learn more about light entrepreneurship!
Starting a limited liability company or other type of company
Instructions and tips for those planning to start a limited liability company.
Open a corporate account online
Open a corporate account easily and quickly online.
Become a franchise entrepreneur
Franchising enables a business to be established as part of a chain of companies. Read more about franchising and how to become a franchise entrepreneur.
From private trader to a limited liability company
Changing the company form may be necessary, for instance, because of business growth. Find out how you can change from private trader to a limited liability company.
Comparing the company forms
Private trader and limited liability company are the most common company forms. See the pluses and minuses of the company forms and find the most suitable company form for your business.
New entrepreneur’s checklist
Do you have a new company or are you starting out as an entrepreneur? We compiled frequently asked questions and our answers for new entrepreneurs.
Agricultural entrepreneurs
Transfer of farming business to the next generation
OP offers you the most important insurance policies as well as banking and financing services when your farm is to transfer to the next generation.
Accounts and payment
Our service package for farmers includes the accounts you need and the online service for the management of your personal and your farm’s payment transactions.
Legal services
An OP cooperative bank’s lawyers give you legal advice on farm business.
Learn more about insurance policies for farms and farmers.
Investment subsidy
OP offers you support for financing your farm’s larger investments. Take a look at our financing guide.
Financing from the bank
OP can offer you a diverse range of solutions for farm investments and other loan needs.
Hire purchase and leasing financing
See how you can finance your farm purchases and investments on hire purchase or under finance lease.
OP Financial analysis for farms
The OP Financial analysis for farms offers new perspectives to the planning and tracking of the finances of your farm.
Management of farm finances
Generational farm transfer
Maatilan sukupolvenvaihdos ja omistajanvaihdos, maatilan sukupolvenvaihdos verohuojennus. OP:n asiantuntijat ovat apunasi maatilan sukupolvenvaihdoksessa.
Fararm financing and buying a farm
OP:n Maatilarahoitus ja maatilalaina maatilan investointeihin. Maatilan ostaminen ja sen rahoitus on mahdollista maatilalainalla.
Risk management of farms
Incorporating a farm
Incorporating a farm is often justified when the farm operation is profitable. Would you like to discuss your plans? Book an appointment with our specialist!
Financing for farms
Apply for financing for your farm conveniently online. We will help you find the best solution for your farm operation and make a financing offer for your farm.
Maatilan investoinnit linkki
Tax returns for agricultural operations
Is your bank asking for your tax information? The easiest way to report the information is by filling in the form found on the page.