The good conditioned Ferdinandus Gagliano violin from 1767 was acquired for OP Ryhmän Taidesäätiö sr (OP Art Foundation’s) instrument collection in 2001.
The members of the Gagliano family, who worked as violin makers in Naples from around 1700 to the mid-1800s and who were popular among musicians, made beautifully shaped instruments that had some influences from Stradivariuses and which were prized for their timbre. Ferdinando, the maker of the Art Foundation’s violin, was the family’s third generation of violin makers, and was the son of the eminent Nicola. The tone of Gagliano violins is clear and full, sometimes even almost aggressive, like that of an opera singer. Gagliano violins are considered a safe choice for soloists and even for first violins in a quartet.
The violin acquired by OP Art Foundation is a typical Gagliano: there is nothing frivolous, but also nothing essential is lacking. The instrument’s varnish is transparent and tawny in colour, which is typical for a Gagliano. It is well-proportioned in shape and drawn with a free hand. The subtlety of its construction produces a good sound and harmony.
OP Art Foundation’s Gagliano is currently played by Emil Hartikainen.