Insure your loan and repayment ability
A rise in interest rates would mean higher loan servicing costs for borrowers. You can prepare for changes in interest rates by limiting their effect on your loan. With an interest rate cap, you can set a maximum reference interest rate, but you will also benefit from low rates if the reference rate is below the maximum you set.
Loan protection insurance will help you to make loan repayments if you become unemployed, unable to work, or disabled. It would also help your loved ones to repay the loan in the event of your untimely death.
Financial security for you and your loved ones
Falling seriously ill is a strain on both your health and finances. The death of a family member or yourself can affect your family’s livelihood, which may not be pleasant to think about. Still, you shouldn’t need to worry about such things. When your insurance provides you with extra financial support in case of setbacks, you have one less thing to worry about. OP Critical Illness and Life Cover provides you with three kinds of cover in one package: critical illness, accidental permanent disability and life insurance.
Ensure flexible financing to cover your expenses
Buying a home can entail a variety of expenses. Some of them can be quite surprising! A removal van, decorating, a new sofa or home appliances may hit your bank account hard. Don’t let the expenses stress you out. Flexible Consumer Credit provides financial flexibility.
You can apply for EUR 2,000–8,500 in Flexible Consumer Credit. You can transfer just the required amount of credit to your bank account whenever you need it. After you have paid back some of the credit, you can draw down it again for your use without a new application.